Paralympian raises funds for wheelchairs

Written by Super User 16 Feb 2013

British Paralympic Christian wheelchair racer, Anne Wafula Strike, is helping the charity International Nepal Fellowship (INF) to raise funds for wheelchairs for children with cerebral palsy in Nepal. Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of disability for children in Nepal. Disabled children there do not have easy access to equipment and often have to be carried around by their parents. Anne presented the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of INF to raise funds to purchase suitable wheelchairs. She said, ‘I had to wait 29 years to receive my first wheelchair’. A wheelchair can provide independence, equality and involvement in society giving people with disabilities the chance to improve their lives and the lives of others.’

Praise: God for raising funds for and awareness of the needs of people with physical and learning disabilities. May their work reap multiplying rewards. (Ps.45:4)
