Nepal: Sabres bring Gospel to Himalayas

Written by Super User 24 Jan 2013

A mission team will be going to Nepal next month with Sabres. No, not light-sabres as in Star Wars. A Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) mission team will be bringing solar powered mp3 players called ‘Sabres’ to people in Nepal. These Sabres play the Bible on audio. The mission team will be taking the Sabres to remote villages high in the Himalayan Mountains. Many of these people have never even heard about Christ. Furthermore, Nepal has an adult literacy rate of 56% according to UNESCO. With so many people who can’t read, getting the chance to hear the Bible is invaluable. There are 153 dialects in Nepal, and VBB has contacts working to translate God’s Word into every single dialect. VBB’s mission team are currently seeking more funds to bring more Sabres to Nepal.

Praise: God as they bring God’s Word to these remote peoples. Pray for their travels and for safety. (Pr.1:33)
