Mozambique: Deaf hear and blind see

Written by Super User 10 Dec 2011

God has been doing many great things in the bush village of Nanjua,’ report missionaries Rolland and Heidi Baker from Mozambique. ‘We first visited there three months ago. Since then there are no more deaf people there to pray for because they are all healed. Also, the chief of the village got saved and we are currently completing the building of their church. Isn't God good! During a recent outreach there we saw miracles and many salvations. We met a blind man named Samuel. He came to us saying that he had heard us praying and that God had told him to come to where we were. He became completely blind in 2010. After praying for him he could see colours, faces and shapes. Heidi took him to a mango tree and he counted the number of mangos on the branch - something he could not do before. He spoke with much excitement, ‘Now I can walk home by myself with no one to assist me!’ Later that same day, along with many others, he was baptized in the river.'

Praise: God for His miraculous power over the deaf and blind. (Ps.146:8)
