Denmark: Helle is learning to do miracles

Written by Super User 16 Jun 2011

Torgen Sondergaard is a young evangelist from Denmark. He believes that when people start following Jesus, it's important to teach them right away to live the commands of Jesus. Take Helle, a young Danish woman who came to Christ three weeks ago and was baptized immediately. Torben invited her to come to the city and pray for people who are sick. ‘Jesus told us to make disciples of all people,’ Torben explains. ‘Baptizing them, and teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded us to do. And one of these commands is to preach that the Kingdom of God is near and heal the sick.’ What happens next is quite surprising. Helle, who has almost no Bible knowledge, prays a simple prayer: ‘Father, I thank you for healing and for removing all pain right now, in Jesus' name. Amen.’ To her own amazement and to the surprise of the people she prayed for, they get healed.

Praise: God for the way he used Helle and pray that her testimony would encourage others to step out in faith. (Heb.11:1)
