David Cameron praises the work of churches

Written by Super User 13 Jun 2013

David Cameron's Big Society Awards recognise outstanding people and organisations whose work improves lives and strengthens communities. On Monday The Cinnamon Network was given a Big Society Award as the Prime Minister recognized the widespread work of various churches in their communities. The Cinnamon Network was launched in 2010 and is a community of 100 CEOs of charities, social enterprises and church denominations who passionately strengthen the muscles of local churches for community transformation. It is a partnership between Make It Happen, Piercing Blue and Tearfund and their vision is to see the UK Church meet the growing social needs within our communities. David Cameron said he was pleased to be able to give The Cinnamon Network this award in recognition of the work with jobs clubs, street pastors and supporting churches to address issues in their neighbourhoods.

Praise: God for the unity of the Church in the United Kingdom that is displayed through these initiatives and ask Him to continue to pour out his blessings on these enterprises. (Ps.133)

More: http://godandpoliticsuk.org/tag/big-society-awards/