Christianity in China

Written by Super User 03 Feb 2011

According to China Aid, a Texas-based human rights group, the number of Christians in China has increased 100-fold since 1949. Current estimates range from 80 million to 130 million active members. And one startling estimate from a Chinese Christian businessman has that number doubled or even tripled in the next generation. Christianity could become one of the macro forces shaping Chinese culture, say experts like Dr. David Aikman, author of ‘Jesus in Beijing’. ‘If the Chinese become Christianised; which doesn't mean you have a majority of people who are Christians, but it means about 25 to 30 percent of people in positions of influence, in politics, in culture, in the media. If you have that component of a major power that accepts Christianity enthusiastically as a guide to life, that is going to change the world view of the leaders of China.’;

Praise: God for this amazing growth of His Church in China. (Dt.1:10-11)
