Children & the next generation

Written by Super User 03 Dec 2013

Hoda is a gypsy girl living in the South of Lebanon participating in a literacy programme at a centre being managed by believers. Talking about their families Hoda explained that her eldest sister living with them is pregnant, but does not want the baby and continually says that she wants to kill the baby. Her teacher explained to the class that God is the Creator, that He made this little baby and He loves children. She also explained that if the mother continues to reject and hate the baby that the baby will be born with a sense of abandonment and rejection. Hoda went home that afternoon and explained to her sister that they should talk to the baby, love the baby and accept this baby as a gift from God. The next day Hoda returned to class, excited to tell everyone that her sister had changed her mind! She decided to keep and love the baby and no longer reject this gift.

Praise: God and pray that He will continue to reveal Himself to children and to the next generation that will shape the future of Lebanon. (Mat 11:25)
