British millionaire buys, then donates religious paintings

Written by Super User 12 Apr 2011

A self-effacing multi-millionaire, Jonathan Ruffer, has become a cultural icon here after buying a series of 17th century religious paintings from the Anglican Church for 15 million pounds and then giving them back so they can remain on public display. Painted by Francisco de Zurbaran, a contemporary of Velazquez and El Greco, the representations of the Biblical patriarch Jacob and his sons have been kept at Auckland Castle at Durham since 1756 when they were bought by Bishop Richard Trevor for just under 150 pounds. Earlier this year, the Church Commissioners proposed to sell the Zurbarans at public auction in the hope of using the money to fund Church ministry in poorer parts of England. Thousands of people in the north east of England signed a petition asking that the paintings remain at the castle and supported a campaign organized by Helen Goodman, Labour MP for Bishop Auckland, to keep them in Britain.

Praise: God for the generosity of Mr Ruffer. (2Cor.9:11)
