Billionaires to give away over half their fortunes

Written by Super User 07 Aug 2010

Forty of USA's richest people pledged on Wednesday to donate over half of their fortunes to charity as part of ‘The Giving Pledge’ campaign organised by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and legendary investor Warren Buffet. The group includes CNN founder Ted Turner, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison and Hollywood director George Lucas, as well as Microsoft mogul Gates and investment guru Buffett. The idea, which was announced just six weeks ago as ‘The Giving Pledge,’ is to convince billionaires across the country to give up most of their money - 50 percent or more - to charity. ‘The pledge is a moral commitment to give, not a legal contract,’ a statement released Wednesday said by

Praise: God for the generosity of these people and pray that their gifts will bless the most needy. (2Cor.9:11-12)
