Armenia: The POWER OF GOD manifest

Written by Super User 21 Aug 2010

Despite opposition David Hathaway spoke to encourage the believers and to pray for victory over all opposition in an Armenian evangelistic outreach. Four thousand people prayed Our Father Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And God’s will was done with people saved and signs and wonders following.- A 10 year old tumour the size of ping-pong ball on a ladies left jaw vanished! A cancer tumour on a child’s back completely disappeared A grandmother testified for her 4 year old crippled granddaughter who couldn’t walk and was healed! An 18 year old pain in a mans head disappeared. Five tumours on a young mans head completely gone! A broken left arm healed! A skin disease of open wounds on a ladies hands and feet now perfect flesh. - These are just a few of the recorded miracles; for more faith building encouragement click the more button below.

Praise: God for doing great things in Armenia, and pray that His fire will fall on all who step out in the ministry of evangelism and prayer. (Ac.2:21)
