4,000 receive Christ at outreach in Venezuela

Written by Super User 19 Jul 2013

Three weeks of worldwide evangelistic outreach culminated this past Saturday at Juventud Libre, a lively, open-air festival in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. An estimated 45,000 people converged at the city’s bicentennial fairgrounds, forming a crowd so large that it swelled into nearby streets. Approximately 4,000 response cards were received, each representing an individual who made a decision to either follow Jesus Christ or to reconcile their relationship with Him. Cards are being sorted and distributed to local churches, in order to connect new believers with a local congregation to begin the follow-up and discipleship process. The theme for the festival, which was largely aimed at the younger generation, was ‘Venezuela abre tu corazón a la esperanza’ (Venezuela, open your heart to hope). The theme reflected festival organizer Gabriel Blanco’s desire to see the generation transformed by entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ, living a life influenced by biblical morals, and discovering hope in the midst of uncertain circumstances.

Praise: God for the wonderful response to this outreach. Pray for the local church as it takes up their responses to follow Jesus. (Ro.8:31)

More: http://blog.godreports.com/2013/07/4000-receive-christ-at-outreach-in-venezuela/#more-3798