Good news from IJM

Written by David Fletcher 10 Feb 2022
Good news from IJM

A Swedish perpetrator involved in the online sexual exploitation of children has been found guilty. With the evidence collected and a videotaped interview with the survivor, IJM’s Philippines team successfully persuaded the Swedish court to find the accused guilty. The perpetrator was ordered to compensate the victim £20,000 and is likely to appeal. Please pray the conviction is upheld. Praise God that two young boys were brought to safety after escaping from bonded labour at a duck farm. They had been enduring increasing violence and managed to run away. People in the village brought them to local authorities, who took care of them and confronted the farm owner. Praise God for the compassion and proactivity of this community. Pray for the owner to be arrested and that the boys can receive the aftercare they need.

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  • Praise: God for IJM, local law enforcement, justice systems, and all who are committed to end the multibillion dollar industry of slavery across the nations. (Jeremiah 20:13)