On 3rd September, a group of Christians uploaded a video on YouTube, entitled The Greater Middle East Blessing. In the video, Christians from 11 nations in the greater Middle East, sing The Lord’s Prayer and The Blessing in 8 different languages. The opening sequence of the video states that they came together across political, ethnic and language divides to pray for, and bless, their region. It communicates hope to the hearts of those who watch it and hope for the Middle East because Christ is there through His Church. May it also encourage people to pray for, and stand with, our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, as they continue to be salt and light in the region. see
Hope for the Middle East
Written by Super User 11 Sep 2020Additional Info
- Praise: God for this demonstration of Christian unity in the midst of trouble and persecution. (Matthew 5:13a)
- More: https://mailchi.mp/3b96542ffae7/hope-for-the-middle-east
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