Vicar of Baghdad - Met drops investigation

Written by David Fletcher 07 Jun 2018
Vicar of Baghdad - Met drops investigation

The Metropolitan Police has dropped an investigation into Rev Canon Andrew White - known as the Vicar of Baghdad - who was accused of sending money to IS extremists. He had allegedly done this in order to secure the release of some Yazidi women being held as sex slaves in Syria and Iraq. He had always insisted that the captives had been freed thanks to successful negotiations, utilising his contacts in the region - and not by any illegal payments. Speaking on Premier's News Hour with a touch of sarcasm, the 54-year-old said, ‘I have had this police investigation hanging over my head because I did the awful thing of trying to get back sex slaves from IS’. Canon White was also suspended from the charity he founded for relief and reconciliation, please pray for his reinstatement.

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