Praise Reports
A message from Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre: ‘Voices of the Silenced tells the story of fifteen people who have moved away from homosexual behaviour, showing that people don’t have to be defined by same-sex…

Slaves released

09 Mar 2018
An email to this office reads, ‘Praise God for 32 survivors rescued from slavery at a brick kiln this week, and please pray for ongoing obstacles in their case. These families were toiling in a brick…
From 22 to 24 February intercessors from across the USA gathered in Washington DC to pray for a ‘Turnaround’. Many felt this could prove to be one of the most historic prayer gatherings in America's history.…
The hip-hop musical Hamilton is now playing in the UK, delivering spiritual messages as it traverses a number of important social issues including race, gender equality, immigration and diversity. Black and minority ethnic actors play the…
World News recently published an article highlighting what Christian broadcasters are doing to contribute to the fastest growing evangelical population on the planet. Iran Alive Ministries broadcast Christian programmes across the region, and Dr Hormoz Shariat,…
Billy Graham died on 21 February, aged 99. No-one will ever be able to calculate the extent of the blessing he has been to hundreds of millions of men and women, from possibly every country in…