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Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:13

The U.S. State Department released a statement condemning the "gross violations of human rights" after Burmese security forces fired heavy artillery into a town in the predominantly Christian Chin state, setting at least 100 homes and two churches on fire.

The attack was in retaliation after a Chin militia shot and killed a Burmese soldier who was breaking into houses and looting properties, according to a report.

The Southeast Asian country’s military, locally known as Tatmadaw, started attacking Friday morning after the militia, Chinland Defense Force, killed a Tatmadaw soldier while he was looting properties.

The presence of the Buddhist nationalist military makes civilians and militias in conflict-ridden states nervous. The military has been accused of vandalizing places of worship and civilians’ homes, raping girls and women, abducting civilians to be used for forced labor and shooting civilians to death.

ICC quoted the India-based Chin Human Rights Organization as saying that several religious buildings, including Church on the Rock, Presbyterian Church, and a building attached to the Thantlang Baptist Church, the largest congregation in town, have also caught fire.

“The first rockets to be fired into the town landed at the entrances to the Thantlang Baptist Church,” ICC said.

Other Christian communities in Chin state had also been targeted since the military coup in February. “Now that the military has started a real operation in Chin state, we can expect a lot of such abuses and acts, and we urge the international community to keep a close eye on this.”

Last month, a beloved youth pastor, Cung Biak Hum of Thantlang Centennial Baptist Church, was shot dead as he tried to help one of his congregants save their burning home after it was set ablaze by the military during an attack on civilians in Chin state.

Information on his Facebook page showed that he was married with two sons and was pursuing a master's of divinity degree at MIT Yangon.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, Tom Andrews, highlighted the pastor’s murder in a tweet at the time, calling on the international community to “pay closer attention” to the “living hell” civilians have been experiencing there since a Feb. 1 coup brought back full military rule following years of quasi-democracy.

More:  Christian Post

Some Good News from Myanmar…

Amidst the often shocking bad news, it is encouraging to hear of many young people coming to Christ across Myanmar at this time. We are receiving reports that there has been an amazing response to the Gospel through social media programming with many tens of thousands of Burmese youth responding in recent days and wanting to know more about how to know and follow Jesus.

75,000 in four days last week were asking for help, so that it has become overwhelming to the small local ministry team to cope.

Please give thanks and pray for effective means to follow up with these masses of inquirers and to answer their questions wisely and effectively, possibly through online classes that give some basic teaching and can provide resources for them to download and use.

Pray for Burmese-speaking ministry leaders (both local and abroad) to jump into this amazing potential harvest as the nation is being shaken through civil war conditions since the February military coup.

Pray: For the safety of the Christian community in Myanmar (Psalm 91:1-16), that they may know the

peace of God in their lives as they face dangers each and every day; that they will know the presence

and protection of the Holy Spirit surrounding them.

Pray: For the families of those who have lost loved ones during these times of crisis. May they be comforted and provided for, especially the widows and children who have nowhere to turn.

Pray: For those afflicted by COVID in Myanmar.  We pray for communities ravaged by this virus, that they may find help, support and care amidst the terror and suffering.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:12

The Ohio Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation on Wednesday to stop infanticide by ensuring that babies who survive abortions receive basic medical care. The State Senate Bill 157 passed in a 25-6 vote and now heads to the state House for consideration.

The pro-life bill would create penalties for abortionists who fail to preserve the health or life of a child who survives an abortion. It also would require abortionists to report to the Ohio Department of Health when a baby is born alive in a botched abortion.

“The bill acknowledges the simple fact that regardless of the circumstances surrounding his or her birth, every child deserves our compassion and care,” said Sen. Terry Johnson, R-McDermott, a physician and the lead sponsor of the legislation.

Babies do survive abortions, though no one is sure exactly how many. In America, most states do not keep track of abortion survivors, but a few do.

Between 2016 and 2018, three states reported 40 babies were born alive after botched abortions. According to the state health data, 11 babies were born alive in Minnesota, 10 in Arizona and 19 in Florida. Texas reported six babies were born alive in botched abortions in 2019. In Michigan, state health reports from 2008 through 2013 indicate that 11 babies were born alive after abortions.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the personal testimonies of nurses and abortion survivors themselves, also provide evidence that babies survive abortions. According to the CDC, at least 143 babies were born alive after botched abortions between 2003 and 2014 in the U.S., though there likely are more.

A recent analysis by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that protections for babies who survive abortions are inconsistent across the United States, with fewer than half of states maintaining sufficient protections. (Excerpt from Life News)

The Wisconsin legislature is expected to pass four pro-life bills Wednesday to educate and empower parents while protecting their unborn babies from being killed in abortions.

The Republican-led state Assembly is expected to approve the bills after the state Senate passed them by a strong majority last week. The legislation soon will head to Gov. Tony Evers’ desk. A pro-abortion Democrat, Evers is expected to veto the legislation.

All four bills would provide life-saving information and support to protect unborn babies from abortion. Prior to the vote, Republican lawmakers said the measures should not be controversial and they should have bipartisan support. 

More: IFA

Pray: Creator God, we praise You that all human life is made in Your image, precious in Your sight. Please would you help us to speak up for the voiceless. Amen. (Psalm 139:14)

Pray: For the wisdom of legislators, that they will be touched by compassion and know God’s love for all life, that they will be brave to speak out and assert the rights of those who cannot be heard.

Pray: For mothers – to recognize and love their unborn children from the moment of conception; to have courage to face any challenges associated with their pregnancies; to turn to God for help; to overcome the temptation of abortion; that they will receive the support they need.

Pray: For fathers – that they will commit themselves to raising their children and caring for the mothers.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:11

As Christians in Lebanon face increasingly dire situations, Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan warned that the minority community could soon be non-existent in the country. Following the August 2020 Beirut port blast, demonstrations regarding legal proceedings, corruption, weak public infrastructure and the ongoing pandemic have launched Lebanon into an economic crisis.

More than 50% of the population is living below the poverty line. The Syriac Patriarch shared his concerns, “We are very, very scared that if this crisis continues it will be the end of Christians in Lebanon and the whole of the Middle East in a few years. Normally when Christians leave, as happened in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, they don’t return. They ask, ‘Why should we return when we can’t guarantee our children a decent life or religious freedom?’”

In mid-October, demonstrations demanding the removal of a judge from the ongoing Beirut blast investigation left seven people dead. Shiite movements Amal and Hezbollah organized the protests and later accused the Christian group Lebanese Forces of firing at protestors.

The LF leader, Samir Geagea, denied responsibility for the deaths, saying that residents of Beirut’s Christian neighborhood of Ain Al-Remmaneh had “defended” themselves against “Hezbollah militiamen who tried to enter their homes.” Geagea has been summoned for questioning by Lebanese courts over the incident.


Pray: For Christians to commit to staying in the land of Lebanon in order to spread the gospel to their neighbours. (Mark 16:15-16)

Pray: For the preservation of religious freedom so that the people of Lebanon will be confident to: “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted'” - (Isaiah 12:4).

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:11

In a pre-recorded address, Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry has condemned the recent uptick in gang violence and kidnappings in the country, reassuring Haitians that the nation is not running out of fuel, despite severe shortages.

Henry’s speech was the first time the prime minister acknowledged these issues in public since the kidnapping of 17 members of a United States-based missionary group on October 16. The 16 Americans, one Canadian and their Haitian driver were abducted amid a spike in gang-related kidnappings that police are struggling to control.

“If they do not stop their wrongdoing, the law will apply to them,” Henry said in his message. “The only option for bandits and all their sponsors is imprisonment or death if they do not want to change professions.”

The leader of the 400 Mawozo gang that kidnapped the missionaries, including five children, has said he would kill them if his demands are not met. Haitian officials have said the gang is seeking $1m per person, but that it was not clear if that included the children, the youngest of whom is eight months old.

Christian Aid Ministries, which had organised a trip to Haiti for the group of missionaries, in a statement published on Thursday said they hoped the hostages would be released soon, despite the worsening political situation in the country.

“Haiti is in a state of anarchy with no active government,” according to the statement. “Gangs are in charge of many areas and [are] controlling the fuel and goods at the seaports.”

Henry’s speech also came days after a widespread strike led schools, businesses and public transport to shut down in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and beyond to protest against the lack of fuel and the country’s worsening economic and security situation. Gangs have been blamed for blocking gas distribution terminals, with at least one gang leader saying he would lift the blockade if Henry stepped down.

More: aljazeera

Pray: Father God, We lift up our missionaries overseas. Lord, you have called them away from their homeland to follow You for Your purpose in their lives and to the lives of those they come into contact with - just as Hebrews 11:8 reminds us of Abraham going by obedience, not knowing what he would find in the journey ahead. Overseas missionaries, much like Abraham, have awoken to the call in their own hearts to venture beyond what they have known to follow in obedience to share with others about You, Lord.

Father, we pray protection over them. We pray for safety and favor as they take every step-in obedience into these lands. We pray that the hearts they come into contact with would be open and willing to hear and receive the beautiful and life-altering truth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray for open doors and victory in Your Name so that more of Your children would come to the table of the Lord. May doors that have been long since closed to visitors swing wide open by Divine influence in order that Your call to all of Your followers may be carried out by Your Holy plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:10

The eyes, and prayers of the world have no doubt been on the COP26 summit in Glasgow this last few weeks.  It officially closes on Friday 12th November.

For those who have somehow missed it… The COP26 Summit (the twenty-sixth Conference of Parties) convenes the world to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement (2015) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

As we are going to press, there are a number of online prayer gatherings and campaigns taking place coordinated by our friends at the World Prayer Centre UK, YWAM, A Rocha International, Climate Intercessors, CCOP and Tear Fund.    Click the links to find a wealth of information, prayer points and follow-up suggestions.

Ben Richards from YWAM is a climate scientist and has produced this helpful prayer briefing video: How should we be thinking about climate and COP26.  

YWAM COP26 – A helpful exploration of how God cares for his creation and our mandate to care about it.

As the summit comes to a close, we are encouraged to continue to pray firstly that the commitments being made will be sufficient to achieve the necessary targets and secondly, for the various follow-through actions and financial contributions that have been pledged by the participating nations, to be delivered.   COP26 is scheduled to finish on Friday 12th November, but it would not be a surprise if there is an over-run while last minute negotiations and signups are added to each aspect of the outcome agreements.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.”  (Psalm 100:4)

Pray: let us continue to raise a canopy of praise over this conference and over Glasgow - anytime, anywhere, with friends or on your own, lifting the name of Jesus high and proclaiming His Lordship.

Pray: for every leader to hear that ‘inner voice’.

Pray: that confusion, miscommunication, misunderstanding, disruption, violence and every other evil intent would be shut out; that peace, joy, clarity of communication, that the establishment of justice and righteousness as seen in Isaiah 9:7 would be welcomed and released.

Pray: for God’s favour on the Christian advisers to leaders, that their voice would be heard above all the clamour.

Pray: for all the gospel sharing in word and action across Glasgow will bring much fruit.

Pray: God, The Planet and Me – 31 Creational blessings starting with the Creational events in Genesis 1 and moves into climate change related topics:  imagine, pray your own prayer, blessing & declaration with links to more information and doing our bit.

Pray: A useful 10 point prayer guide pdf download prepared by Climate Intercessors.

More at:  BBC COP26 FEED  |  Climate Stewards  |  Creation Care  

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:10

Harvest Prayer is a 30-minute program packed with encouraging answers to prayer and heartening testimonies of many lives saved during the ongoing GO Campaigns.

The November edition introduces our monthly '1st Friday - GO PRAY' online gathering that anyone can join, praying for the global harvest and specific needs across the nations.

He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'  Luke 10:2

Candy Marballi from The Prayer Covenant (and IPC Council) shares inspirational testimonies of children who are dedicated to sharing the message of Hope in Jesus around the world and updates us on the Last Quarter Evangelism project across Africa.  Tom Victor from Great Commission Coalition (and IPC Senior Advisor) brings a special challenge and invitation. 

Children from the Children’s Equipping Center at the International House of Prayer, Kansas City and one of the Royal Kids from Chennai, India lead us in prayer.

Werner Nachtigal - founder of GO Movement inspires and encourages us to share the good news of Jesus with family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours.

On the last Friday of each month, PRAY and GO will be an opportunity for each of us to be praying for the global harvest in the spirit of Luke 10 verse 2 - but also to go out and share the Gospel message with someone.

Please share this amazing program across your networks!

For more information about Harvest Prayer and GOPRAY visit

Watch Harvest Prayer ONLINE now and throughout November on GOD TV in SYDNEY | DELHI | LONDON  |  JHB  |  NEW YORK

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:09


Join us 3rd December at 6am (Pacific) as we unite in a simple but powerful prayer time on this first Friday of the month.

We want to pray in unity with many believers, prayer networks and church denominations worldwide, for revival and for the harvest according to Luke 10:2-3.

Each month, we are inviting people with insight on the topics we are praying for - to guide us.

The format will be informal. We meet with simplicity and humbleness of heart as we wait on the Lord and pray in unity.


When we will focus on:

With prayer guidelines from Candy Marballi from The Prayer Covenant who is directing the Africa LQE and other friends from across the continents.

More Info and Link to Join us at

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:07

Ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games which are being hosted in Birmingham, UK, the Queen’s Baton left London on Thursday 7 October 2021, to travel an impressive 269 days around the Commonwealth Nations and Territories, arriving in Birmingham on Thursday 28 July 2022. It will travel approximately 90,000 miles on its journey with over 7,500 Baton bearers trusted with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry the baton in their community.

As The Baton travels through each of the different places, it provides an opportunity to pray for each of the Commonwealth Nations and Territories, recognising that many of The Commonwealth Nations make up the vibrant and flamboyant cultural community that is Birmingham.

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK has put together a Prayer Diary which gives you the route of The Baton and some prayer points for each of the nations. We are grateful to be able to draw from information from our friends in Operation World, Prayercast, Open Doors and other World Prayer Centre contacts in many different nations.

This is a free resource for use across the globe to pray and bless the Commonwealth, praying in tandem with the route of the Queen’s Baton.

Download the Free Prayer Guide HERE

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:05

Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE) 2021 has begun and is exploding across 36 nations throughout Africa!

This is year 2 of a youth-designed; youth-led evangelistic outreach across this beautiful continent. Instead of 260k predominantly children and youth evangelists from 2020, we now have approximately one million participating, half of which are now adults! The kids generated so much excitement, it has inspired the adults to join them in sharing the gospel with at least one person every day through December 31st of this year. Hallelujah!

Over 5,000 evangelistic campaigns are happening throughout this quarter, including areas which are closed to the gospel. We praise God they are well on their way to meeting their goal of 30,000 churches participating - including many denominations outside of All Africa Baptist Fellowship. Millions will be hearing the gospel message; some for the very first time.

Last Quarter Evangelism LQE 2021 02LQE’s theme this year is, Jesus Loves You! In Nigeria, Kehinde Sarah, a 6th grade student composed a special "Jesus Loves You" song that is being used throughout classrooms. LQE is modeling what it looks like to release and empower children to be on mission.

God is moving powerfully as we see the generations and denominations working together to live out the Great Commandment as they help fulfill the Great Commission.

We need your prayers!

Pray that God will provide a hedge of protection around all the children, youth and adults who are boldly sharing the gospel even in the most difficult-to-reach areas?

Pray for continued unity among the body of Christ as they work together to reach the least and the last?

Pray for an abundant harvest and for God to raise up inter-generational outreaches all over the world?

Update from Chad:

Last Quarter Evangelism LQE 2021 03I’m Rev Peter, a missionary serving in Chad. Well as a missionary, evangelism is my daily life. When Last Quarter Evangelism began in 2020, I discussed the opportunity with some AABYF leaders and decided to commit all 3 churches that I oversee to this outreach. We were committed to sharing with someone each day - that Jesus loves them, as well as committing to the online evangelism campaign.  I am very encouraged seeing the response to online evangelism. After putting LQE daily gospel messages in my WhatsApp, I check every day to know who is reading them. It was interesting to learn that my friends whom I lack courage to share the gospel are reading my posts day after day! Recently, at our AABYF office we delayed our Gospel post, and I received a message from a Muslim requesting the post! It was unbelievable. That has caused me me to be more committed and make it a priority.

Update from Ghana:

I am a Prayer Covenant leader in Ghana. Last Friday I visited Yevi basic school in the Akatsi North District where students are involved in Last Quarter Evangelism. It was their worship day. So after the opening prayer I asked, “Who can tell us how the Prayer Covenant teachings have impacted them?” Suddenly I saw a girl of about twelve years raising her hand for the first testimony. When she came forward, she said “Through the teachings I regained my human dignity in society. Before that I felt alone and angry because my father had deserted us when I was born. But I can say JESUS is both the best Father and the best friend for every child and He never lets His children go.  Today I can feel free everywhere and every time because I have the best father whose name is JESUS.

Last Quarter Evangelism LQE 2021 04For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Habakuk 2:14

More info:

Candy Marballi - President and CEO
The Prayer Covenant

Last Quarter Evangelism LQE 2021 06

Wednesday, 10 November 2021 05:04

Friends and intercessors, the following initiative is a week-long focused 24/7 week of prayer for revival in Africa. It is an initiative of Jericho Walls International Prayer Network in Cape Town.

If you would like to receive more info, or to participate please contact Daniel by whatsapp on +27 (83) 321-6909

Global call to...

? 24/7 PRAYER for REVIVAL ?

... among the African nations.

8- 14 NOVEMBER 2021

THEME:  Survival to Revival


To establish a 24/7 Prayer Watch in every nation around the world, praying for nation-wide revival and transformation of communities.


The "7 Days on the Wall" prayer initiative was birthed at the World Prayer Assembly, Indonesia, in 2012, calling local congregations to take one week per year to pray night and day for revival among the nations of the world. Since January 2013, this move of prayer has developed across South Africa, as well as in other African countries and in South Asia.


To find out more about the upcoming "Week of Prayer for Revival", 8-14 November 2021, and how to establish your own 24/7 Prayer Watch through WhatsApp/Telegram, please visit our website at (Daily prayer material, various resources, etc.)


by following this link

An Initiative of...

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network