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Friday, 28 October 2022 12:19

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP) is Sunday, November 6. It is observed every year around All Saints’ Day when the Church traditionally remembers the saints of the Church, many of whom suffered torture and martyrdom for Jesus. IDOP recognizes those who have paid the ultimate price for their faith in Christ and reminds us that many are still paying that price today. This is a special time for us to pray for those who are persevering in the face of hardship, letting them know they are not forgotten and we are praying for them. Prayer Alert intercessors are invited to be a part of this special day by scheduling a few minutes to pray for Afghans, Ukrainians and the many others now arriving into new countries, and those still waiting to re-settle. For most Ukrainian’s this will be seen as a temporary re-settlement. Pray for converts to Christianity in the Muslim world, who have been threatened and abandoned by their families because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:18

The next Climate Change conference, COP27, takes place 7-18 November in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. God has given us dominion over the earth He created, so we have a duty to steward God’s creation and pray for its healing. Let’s pray for good implementation of the climate goals. Specific prayer points are: The boldness and integrity for nations to follow up on the promises made during COP26 in Glasgow. For honest and fair access to funds for nations affected the most by the impacts of climate change. i.e. a fund has been created but it is very hard for nations to access this fund for help. For a good transition from the UK, as the prior chair, to Egypt the new chair. That the voices of truth would be listened to and louder than the voices which are speaking for their own gain. Climate Intercessors have released strategic prayers for COP27.

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:17

Lebanon is trying to contain cholera in its most vulnerable communities. 290 cases and 11 deaths were confirmed since October 6th. Cholera is a bacterial infection caused by contaminated water or food, it spreads quickly and can kill within hours through severe dehydration. It’s completely preventable with clean water and sanitation access, usually provided by public utilities, but those empowered to deliver this have already made off with the money budgeted for the infrastructure. See Haiti is also grappling with cholera, and the timing couldn’t be worse. The previous outbreak killed nearly 10,000 people between 2010 and 2019. Now, over 1,700 cholera cases have been confirmed, half of them children, and 40 people have died so far. Haiti was already struggling under hostile gang takeovers in cities. A few medical centres try to treat cases, but they lack fuel, gangs blocking the seaport prevent fuel being released, bringing businesses and health facilities to a halt.

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:16

On October 26th Canadian parliamentarians voted no to severing ties with the monarchy, after Yves-Francois Blanchet introduced a motion that sparked conversation in the House of Commons about the monarchy. His move follows 14 recently elected Quebec politicians refusing to recite an oath of allegiance to the King as required by Canadian law. Many Quebecers are in favour of Canada being a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy - a sentiment that is tied to the province's history of being a French-speaking region that was once under British colonial rule. Over the years Quebec politicians have continued to put forward policies that seek to define the province as distinct from English Canada. When tabling his motion Mr Blanchet said Canada's tie to the British Crown is ‘archaic.’ Opinion polls following Queen Elizabeth’s death found 79% of Quebec agreed they should sever their ties with the Crown.

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:15

At least 15 people were killed and 40 others were injured in a terrorist attack at the Shahcheragh Shrine in the city of Shiraz. Two children were among the victims. Iranian security forces have arrested two of the suspected attackers, and a manhunt is underway to capture a third. The terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, releasing a statement through its affiliated Amaq news agency that said one of its members had ‘targeted groups of Sunni refusal infidels inside the shrine with his Kalashnikov machine gun, causing the death of tens of them.’ The attack happened on the same day that clashes broke out throughout Iran and thousands of people came to the burial site of Kurdish Mahsa Amini to mark 40 days since her death. Iranian news ISNA said it’s unclear if the attack was related to the protests.

Friday, 28 October 2022 12:13

Libya’s government has been unstable for a decade. The situation for Christians changed drastically after Gaddafi’s regime fell. Weapons and Islamist ideologies such as Ansar al-Sharia, Nusra Front, and ISIS began hunting down Christians. The world will never forget ISIS beheading Coptic Christians on Libya’s beach. We praise God that a Christian ministry was able to visit Libya for a week recently and was warmly welcomed as they encouraged many people and shone the bright light of Jesus Christ in this difficult-to-reach nation. Thank God for the global Christian communities and individuals who are praying for the Libyans with love and sympathy. May more avenues be opened for Christians to enter and encourage the persecuted Libyan church. Pray for Christians to gain greater religious freedom to spread the gospel and be able to follow Jesus openly and pray for the believers who are arrested and mistreated because of their faith.

Monday, 17 October 2022 07:19

06/04/1955 – 14/10/2022

Today we say goodbye to a dear mentor, father and friend, who walked closely with the Lord and whose life has touched millions around the globe.
Graham Power, a general in the Christian prayer & missions movement, visionary marketplace leader, philanthropist and dearly loved family man went to be with the Lord earlier today after succumbing to kidney failure and lung complications.

Graham was the founder and Chairman of the Power Group of Companies, formed in 1983. The company has made its mark in the world of construction, building and property development. In 2001 Graham initiated a stadium gathering in Cape Town, South Africa that saw 45,000 Christians pray for the needs of their nation. By 2010 this movement grew to become the largest prayer gathering in recorded history, where about 350 million people from 220 nations participated in the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday.

Unashamedly Ethical was launched internationally under Graham’s guidance in 2006, promoting ethics, values, and clean living across all sectors of society. The movement has also launched a youth arm, known as Tribe. In 2020 Graham brought together a number of leaders and ministries to launch Global Voice of Prayer, a new expression of unity in the global prayer movement. He also founded Heal our Land in 2021, an initiative focusing on developing sustainable solutions for social and spiritual challenges.

All of these ministries form part of a vision that Graham received from the Lord in 2006, entailing 3 waves starting from the Southern tip of Africa and crossing the continent of Africa into the nations around the globe. The first wave was a wave of prayer, expressed through the Global Day of Prayer movement 2001 – 2010. The second was a wave of ethics, values and clean living brought about by Unashamedly Ethical, in operation since 2006 to the present. The third wave Graham could only describe as a massive tsunami of transformational revival like the world has never seen. Graham strongly believed that there will be a dynamic global revival in the near future, following these ‘waves’ of prayer, ethics, values and clean living and ultimately, the healing of our land, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. Many believe that we are beginning to see this third wave of transformational revival rise.

Graham had been diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow exactly a year prior and after a courageous battle was declared 0% cancer free earlier this year. A run in with COVID-19 triggered a series of complications with his health and Graham was hospitalized end of September after attending the Economic Summit Africa and a special Unashamedly Ethical Awards Gala where he received a Lifetime Leadership Award. He passed away peacefully on Friday, October 14th in the presence of his family. Graham is survived by his wife, Lauren, their children, Gary, Ilene, Nadene, Stephen and Alaine, and their 5 grandchildren, Geordie, Robert, Madison, Amelia and Gabriella, as well as his siblings, Theresa, Avril and Alex.

For any questions or to submit a tribute to Graham,
please contact Melani September – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Office Tel. +27 (0) 21 907 1330

Wednesday, 05 October 2022 10:38
Thursday, 15 September 2022 04:47

We are pleased to bring you this September 2022 edition of IPC Connections.

This edition begins with a focus on praying for Kingdom breakthrough in a number of key cities across INDIA!  My friend and colleague, Brother Onassis Jeevaraj (Director of IPC’s South Asia Prayer Council) introduces us to these cities and their strategic significance in his article.

These 27 Indian cities are among 110 cities which are collectively populated by 98% of the remaining unreached peoples.  We would invite you to commit to pray for all of these cities and others throughout the year for 15 minutes a day.

Sign up for 110 Cities HERE.

Will you Partner with IPC?! - IPC Connections is brought to 5,000+ networks, groups, churches and personal partners free of charge.  As an organization, we are dependent on personal donations, legacies and occasional grant support for our income.  Like many organizations, we do not hold reserves, and operate on a tight budget! 

We would value ongoing monthly support of even a few dollars! 

If you would like to sow into the IPC Vision, please click here.  Thank you for your support!

IPC partnered with the Church in Japan to help mobilise 365,000 hours of worldwide prayer for their nation during the 2021 Olympic and Paralympic Games.  On the anniversary of the closing ceremony (this last week) we jointly launched LOVE JAPAN which aims to mobilise worldwide 24/7 Prayer for Japan!  Read more and sign up below!

This month, our team will be facilitating prayer and mission conferences, events and initiatives across the continents of the world!  We value your prayers!  Please do pray for us by name here!  

IPC Sept2002 00bAs we ‘go to press’ we are hearing of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.  As well as being respected worldwide, she was appreciated as a figure of national honour. She was the longest reigning monarch in British history and was head of the Commonwealth of 56 nations and monarch of 14 nations.  

The Queen was a remarkable ambassador for the Christian faith across her reign of 70 years. Her Christian faith was prominently in evidence in many of her speeches, particularly her Christmas Day messages to the nations. She has been described as being ‘sustained by her faith and driven by her duty’.  

We extend our prayers and condolences to the Royal Family and our friends in the IPC family across Britain and the Commonwealth territories at this time of national mourning.

Two of our senior advisors in England - Brian Mills and Ian Cole from England have asked for our prayers - ‘for the British Isles and the Royal Family in these coming days of transition. Also, please pray for King Charles 111 that he would be open to the leading of God’s Spirit as he takes up such huge responsibilities at such a critical time in our nation's history.’

In the Editorial article, in response to requests from a number of people, I am unpacking the topic of Prayer Walking and the power of praying the Word!  As well as exalting Jesus and praying for transformation across the strategic 110 Cities IPC / FTT have targeted, we can all take part in prayer walking our home villages, towns and cities - with the right preparation!  I trust you will be inspired and encouraged as you put these guidelines into action.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

There is so much to be honoring and glorifying the Lamb for, as we contend and step out in unity of purpose - ‘for His way to be known across the earth and his salvation among all nations!’ (Psalm 67)

Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Please use this link if you would like to sow into IPC’s ministry with a donation. 
Disclaimer… The views and opinions expressed in IPC Connections and the articles on our website are those of individuals and our partner organisations. They do not necessarily represent the policies or views of IPC or its individual leaders.

We aim to respect the diversity within the prayer movement and yet embrace our unified calling to mobilise prayer for the nations. (2 Chron 7:14)   If you wish to discuss the appropriateness of any articles, please contact us.  If for any reason you do not wish to receive IPC emails in future, please click the unsubscribe link below.

Thursday, 15 September 2022 04:42

This last year we encouraged people to prayer walk 110 of the most unreached cities in the world. At the beginning of the year, teams prayer walked several cities throughout Southeast Asia, cities like Kuala Lumpur, Yangon, Myanmar, and Bangkok, Thailand, claiming their cities for Christ. 

During Ramadan, prayer walking teams prayed through 25 Muslim cities throughout the Middle-east! 

On June 27th, following the World Prayer Assembly 2.0 in Indonesia, teams of believers covered and prayed through 257 cities of Indonesia!

This month of September 19th – 24th  Jesus followers will prayer walk the largest unreached cities of West Africa, asking for God’s kingdom to come, and his will to be done! 

We have listed the cities and prayer points at our website, if you would like to join us in building a global canopy of prayer on behalf of these cities!

The photos in this article are taken from the Myanmar Intercessors Network 2022 Prayer Walk Report!  Many thanks to their coordinator, Peggy Man Khan Hau.

IPC Sept2002 01bOver the last six years in the month of July, believers in Chennai, India have together with hundreds of churches prayer walked all 48,000 streets, every pin code (zipcode) in Chennai!  God has been responding to the prayers of his people and now the Gospel is exploding throughout this massive coastal city, with many Christ-exalting churches being planted.

This coming October believers in India will be prayer walking 22 cities of the most unreached cities and continuing with 24/7 prayer

Let’s join together from the nations and pray together for breakthrough unto Christ-exalting revival in these unreached cities of India during the month of October!

What is Prayer Walking?

Prayer walking is just what is sounds like; praying to God while walking around. Instead of closing our eyes and bowing our heads, we keep our eyes open to the needs we see around us and ask God to intervene!

It is simply praying on-site with insight (observation) and inspiration (revelation). What you see you pray for. It is a form of prayer that is visible, verbal and mobile. It’s usefulness is twofold: to gain spiritual awareness, and to release the power of God’s word in specific places, and for particular people. It is praying in the very places you expect God to bring forth answers to your prayers. As Steve Hawthorne writes, “Be sure God is addressed, and the people are blessed”

Some people ask if this a biblical way to pray?  While there is no direct command to pray this way, Paul did write to the Ephesians, “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all types of prayer and supplication…” (Eph 6:18). Prayer Walking is simply one of the types of praying, and engaging with God in a lifestyle of ‘praying in the Spirit.’  As you are walking, you are talking to God. Paul also commanded us to ‘pray without ceasing,’ which would certainly include times that we are walking through the everyday stuff of life! 

We want to encourage you as you walk, bike, or drive to pray for God’s blessing over your cities, neighborhoods, schools, business’, and public gathering places, asking for God’s name to be revealed that it might be revered throughout your city!   

You can walk together in pairs or triplets, or gather in small groups in specific places throughout the city -  As you walk,

IPC Sept2002 01cASK the Holy Spirit to direct your steps

WORSHIP through extolling God’s names & nature.

MIX & MINGLE conversation with praise & praying.

PRAY SCRIPTURE to release God’s blessing.

WALK the streets, cover the ground in prayer.

ENTER & PRAY through buildings.

LINGER & LISTEN in particular places.

IPC Sept2002 01dWATCH and LOOK for outward clues (as you look on places and faces) pay attention to inward promptings from the Holy Spirit on how and what to pray for

and at times STOP & PRAY for people as the Lord leads.

He will lead each one of you .. and be encourage to pray in bold faith, he will release his power in response to your prayers!

After your prayer walk maybe take a few minutes to share with each other ...

WHAT did you observe or experience?

SHARE any surprise “divine appointments” or insights.

TAKE a few pictures or short videos of some of the places you prayer walked

DISCERN together 2-3 key prayer points for ongoing prayer and then close your time in corporate prayer and worship together!

How Do I Pray during a ‘Prayer walk’ IPC Sept2002 01e

  1. Praying the Bible – Praying the promises of God’s written Word.  Click for a list of key verses to use.
  2. Informed Intercession – Praying for the felt needs of things we know God wants to change in our families, cities and nations for His glory and our Joy
  3. Prophetic Intercession – Hearing from the Lord by revelation how he wants us to pray specifically for the things on his heart.
  4. Breakthrough Prayer – exercising the delegated authority we have ‘in the name of Jesus,’ asking God to bind and restrain the demonic principalities and powers that are resisting the advance of the gospel, and loose his grace and power on behalf of others.

Hope you can join us in covering theses cities in prayer as teams prayer walk their cities! 

We love you, we bless you and we look forward to seeing how God will do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or even imagine, all for His Glory for our Joy and for the salvation of the peoples of India! 

Amen and Amen!

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect