Displaying items by tag: police

Thursday, 27 June 2024 22:34

Russia: 20+ killed in terrorist attacks

At least twenty people have been killed in a series of shootings in Dagestan on 24 June. The attacks targeted a synagogue, an Orthodox church, and a traffic police post. Among the victims were fifteen law enforcement officers and civilians, including an Orthodox priest. The synagogue and church were set on fire before the attackers fled. The authorities say that five gunmen were later shot dead, and two sons of a local district head were arrested. The regional governor called it a ‘day of tragedy’ and declared three days of mourning in the predominantly Muslim region. Russia's national anti-terrorism committee attributed the attacks to ‘terrorists’, though no group claimed responsibility. This incident follows a major attack on a concert hall in Moscow three months ago, which killed 145 people​.

Published in Europe

Following violent protests in which 22 people were killed, president William Ruto has announced he will not sign a finance bill proposing new taxes. The bill, which aimed to raise funds to pay off debt, has faced widespread opposition from Kenyans struggling economically. On 25 June thousands of protesters stormed parliament, an action which Ruto called ‘treasonous’. In the chaos which ensued, the police and military were accused of brutality, with human rights groups reporting abductions and hundreds of injuries. Acknowledging the ‘widespread dissatisfaction’, Ruto admitted the need for a national conversation on managing the country's affairs together. The high court has suspended the military deployment and ordered the release of all protestors. Many young voters who supported Ruto in 2022 now oppose his reforms, feeling betrayed by the economic hardships. He has been criticised for not adopting a more conciliatory approach, and widespread protests continue: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:33

Australia: two stabbings in Sydney

Sydney is reeling after two knife attacks within three days. At Bondi Junction, Joel Cauchi, who had a history of mental illness, killed six people and injured others. At a church in Wakeley, a teenager injured a bishop and several others, but there were no fatalities. Despite both incidents causing fear, they have been treated differently by authorities. The Wakeley stabbing was declared a terror incident, while the Bondi Junction attack was not. This has caused puzzlement: the local Islamic Council ‘found it bewildering’, and said, ‘The signal this sends to the Australian community is that terrorism is solely reserved for Muslims.’ The investigation into the Bondi Junction attack continues, focusing on the perpetrator's motives and actions. One of the men who confronted Cauchi has been promised a renewal of his temporary visa: see

Published in Worldwide

A global manhunt is underway for a suspected hit squad believed to have fled the UK after stabbing Iranian journalist Pouria Zeraati in Wimbledon. The 36-year-old was attacked outside his home on 29 March, sustaining leg injuries. Counter-terrorism police, who are leading the investigation, say that two suspects escaped in a vehicle driven by a third person. The vehicle was later found abandoned in New Malden and is being examined by forensic experts. The suspects reportedly reached Heathrow Airport and left the country. The hunt involves Scotland Yard, Britain’s intelligence services, the National Crime Agency, and Interpol. Zeraati, who was discharged from the hospital and is now in hiding, expressed gratitude for the support received on Instagram. The Metropolitan Police have not confirmed the motive, but given Zeraati’s role as a journalist and recent threats against UK-based Iranian journalists, anti-terror units are involved. Iran's charge d’affaires in the UK denied any involvement in the attack.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 March 2024 10:17

Street preacher wins settlement from police

Avon and Somerset police have confessed they acted ‘disproportionately’ when stopping pastor Dia Moodley from criticising other religions while street preaching. The notice was issued in 2021, to prevent him from ‘passing comments on any other religion or comparing them to Christianity’. After the police settled damages on the ground of religious discrimination, Moodley said, ‘It isn't for them to decide which religions or worldviews can be free from criticism. When I preach, I am committed to speaking about the good news of Christianity in love, grace, and truth – but that doesn't mean that I will never say something that others may disagree with. The nature of a free and democratic society is that we can speak publicly about our beliefs. Thankfully, I have received some measure of justice after having been wrongfully silenced by authorities. But this creeping culture of censorship is detrimental to all of us in society, whatever we believe, and we must challenge it wherever we see it.’

Published in Praise Reports

The Metropolitan Police has apologised for an incident where volunteer officer Maya Hadzhipetkova confronted gospel singer Harmonie London, 20, telling her she could not perform Christian songs on Oxford Street. Claiming that Harmonie needed church authorisation to sing such songs outside church premises, she threatened to confiscate her keyboard and equipment. The encounter, which lasted over forty minutes, ended with Harmonie feeling compelled to leave. A video of the incident, viewed over 950,000 times, sparked criticism for appearing to limit religious freedom. Harmonie described the experience as humiliating and intimidating, feeling belittled and that her rights were disregarded. A police spokesperson apologised, admitting the officer's error and acknowledging the need to learn from this mistake. The incident is under investigation by Scotland Yard. Despite the ordeal, Harmonie has resumed singing gospel music on Oxford Street. The Christian Institute is offering guidance and free training for street evangelists, who can contact them for more information.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 January 2024 20:31

Street preachers' charter is planned

The Christian Institute is creating a charter aimed at fostering understanding between police and street preachers regarding freedom of speech. In recent years, arrests of street preachers have become more common, often on grounds of hate crimes or causing public disorder. The charter's purpose is to clarify the rights and restrictions of street preachers while evangelising. It will also emphasise the importance of adhering to Biblical teachings and sensibility, encouraging preachers to document their activities in case of complaints. The goal is to have this charter endorsed by the police as a common understanding between those sharing the Gospel on the street and law enforcement. The move comes after a recent case in which Police Scotland wrongfully arrested a street preacher, resulting in substantial damages being awarded to him. The Christian Institute defends such preachers, highlighting the need to challenge the notion that simply claiming offence equates to a legal violation. It aims to support street preachers who adhere to the law, and encourages freedom of expression within the bounds of legality.

Published in Praise Reports

On 24 January, supporters of the main opposition party, Chadema, staged a peaceful march in Dar-es-Salaam - the first such occasion in seven years. A ban on political gatherings and protests was imposed by former president John Magufuli in 2015 but lifted by Samia Suluhu Hassan in 2021. Under heavy police protection, the demonstrators marched peacefully through the streets, waving placards and blowing whistles. They are calling for constitutional amendments to allow presidential election results to be challenged in court and to prevent the president from selecting electoral commission members. The opposition party also highlighted concerns about the high cost of living in Tanzania. Chadema's chairman, Freeman Mbowe, urged the withdrawal of proposed electoral law amendments from parliament until public opinions are incorporated. Unlike the previous era under Magufuli, this demonstration was not disrupted by the police, indicating a shift in the government's approach to political dissent. During his tenure, opposition gatherings were often violently suppressed, and leaders faced arrests and attacks, which they deemed politically motivated.

Published in Worldwide

The UK government is introducing a law allowing police to run facial recognition searches on a database of fifty million driving licence holders. This change, part of a new criminal justice bill, will enable the police to match images from sources like CCTV and social media with driving licence records. Privacy campaigners warn that this effectively places all UK drivers in a 'permanent police lineup' without clear limits or independent oversight. There are concerns about the lack of public debate and consultation on this significant expansion of police powers. The technology's potential for false identifications, particularly among black and Asian faces, adds to the controversy. The change also raises questions about the legitimacy and proportionality of such widespread surveillance. The Home Office maintains that Clause 21 in the bill merely clarifies police use of DVLA records but does not grant automatic access for facial recognition. However, the move comes as part of broader efforts to integrate various databases into a single system for easier image-matching.

Published in British Isles

Suella Braverman is facing a backlash after claiming police 'play favourites' with pro-Palestinian protests. Downing Street did not clear the controversial article in which the home secretary criticised the policing of pro-Palestinian marches in London. The prime minister is facing calls to sack Ms Braverman from her position in Cabinet from top Labour shadow ministers and the leader of the Liberal Democrats. The backlash comes after the publication of Ms Braverman's opinion piece in The Times, in which she accused the police of having a softer approach towards left-wing protests. A spokesman for Rishi Sunak said, 'The Prime Minister continues to believe that the police will operate without fear or favour’. Members of the Tory party have also attempted to distance themselves from her 'inflammatory rhetoric', with transport secretary Mark Harper actively disagreeing with her on Times Radio. She also criticised plans for a protest in London on Armistice Day, repeating allegations that its organisers were linked to Hamas and describing them as 'disturbingly reminiscent of Ulster'. She also claimed that pro-Palestinian mobs are 'largely ignored, even when clearly breaking the law'. Earlier, the PM accepted that the planned march on Saturday would go ahead despite opposition from himself and the home secretary.

Published in British Isles
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