Displaying items by tag: War

Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:07

Ukraine: corruption = high treason

Thirty conscription officials in Ukraine have been accused of taking cash and cryptocurrency bribes to smuggle people out of the country. All men over the age of 18 capable of fighting are eligible to be conscripted, and most adult men under the age of 60 are prohibited from leaving the country. Mr Zelensky posted a video on social media saying, ‘Conscription officials who took bribes and smuggled people out of the country have been sacked in an anti-corruption purge. Bribery at a time of war is high treason’. The president's office said that the corruption allegations pose a threat to Ukraine's national security and undermine confidence in state institutions. Replacement officials will be chosen from candidates with battlefield experience and vetted by the intelligence service.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:03

Russia: prisoner recruits commit new crimes

Demyan Kevorkyan, a prisoner released early to fight with Wagner mercenaries is accused of a double murder after returning home from the war. He was arrested for killing a young man and woman on their way home from work. He is not the only convict who was freed early to fight and then reoffended. It is confirmed that suspects in about twenty serious offences, including rape and murder, are fighters recruited from prison by Wagner to fight in Ukraine. Kevorkyan was one of 150 prisoners recruited on 31 August 2022, and was later spotted back in his home village of Pridorozhnaya in south-west Russia telling people he had just returned from the battlefields of Ukraine.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 17 August 2023 20:57

Ukraine: trade land for peace?

At a meeting in Norway where NATO alliance members were discussing how the 18-month-old war might be brought to an end, Stian Jenssen, chief of staff to NATO’s secretary general, said, ‘I think a solution could be for Ukraine to give up territory, and get NATO membership in return.’ Jenssen noted that discussions about Ukraine’s postwar status were continuing in diplomatic circles. Jenssen was careful to stress that he was simply airing an idea and that ‘it must be up to Ukraine to decide when and on what terms they want to negotiate’, reflecting NATO’s position that no peace settlement should be agreed without Ukraine’s assent. Kyiv said a land-for-NATO deal would reward Russian aggression.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 10 August 2023 20:19

Russia: prayer needs

The majority of the world looks on with disbelief at Russia’s 17 months of ‘battle for justice’, and Russians are tired. Youths are fleeing, the economy falters, loved ones risk their lives, and they are tired of the lack of peace. Many are familiar with Orthodox Christianity, but they are non-practising. They are not familiar with the true stability and peace only found in Jesus. 17.7 million Russians don’t know who Jesus is. In their deep war-torn weariness, Russia’s 143 million people need Jesus to be their ultimate place of rest and their source of true peace. Putin’s anti-terrorism laws ban Christians from preaching outside a church building. Evangelism in homes or online is prohibited. Pastors and missionaries trained outside Russia must attend additional state-approved education. Bible teachers are needed to provide sound doctrine. Only God, manifested through the Body of Christ, can bring the hope and deliverance this nation seeks.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 10 August 2023 20:14

Ukraine: prayer needs

The devastation wrought by Russia’s invasion is heartbreaking, and the atrocities committed are galling. Millions of Ukrainians have been displaced. Tens of thousands have been killed. When the conflict ends, rebuilding will take years, or even decades. Even more complicated will be the healing of trauma experienced and, hopefully, an eventual reconciliation with its neighbour. Pray for the intervention of the God who makes wars cease to the ends of the earth and who breaks the bow and shatters the spear (Psalm 46:9). Pray Psalm 10:17-18 over Ukraine – that the Lord will hear the desire of the afflicted, encourage them, and listen to their cries. Pray for wisdom from above, and divine fortitude for Ukraine’s leaders and its people. Ukraine’s rich Christian heritage began in the Slavic world in Kyiv 1,000 years ago. Churches suffered greatly in the Soviet era. Next there was hostility from the Orthodox Church for other expressions of Christianity. Evangelicals have emerged from many years of persecution with larger numbers and stronger faith.

Published in Europe
Friday, 04 August 2023 05:45

Ukraine: Female front line fighters

Ukrainian women are signing up in growing numbers to defend their country. There are 60,000 females fighting Russia - amidst strong Ukrainian sexist attitudes. 42,000+ have military positions with 5,000 on the front line. Andriana is a Ukrainian special unit sergeant preparing to return to the front line. Many Russian texts and videos report Andriana’s ‘death’ in graphic detail. ‘They published that I died with no legs or hands.’ says Andriana. ‘They are propaganda professionals.’ Female troops also face battles of sexist attitudes within their own ranks. Ukrainian society has a strong opinion that girls join the army to find a husband. Andriana says women have also told her about cases of physical abuse. We can't imagine the scale as few female soldiers will discuss this, so Andriana co-founded Ukrainian Women Veterans Movement, which campaigns for equal rights for female military personnel, and for reforming Ukrainian army legislation to bring it in line with NATO's.

Published in Europe
Friday, 28 July 2023 09:56

Russia: warnings and dangers

After Ukraine’s recent drone attacks, there have been warnings of tough retaliatory measures. Putin’s closest ally Dmitry Medvedev, of Russia's Security Council, said Moscow must ‘choose unconventional targets for our strikes - not just storage facilities, energy hubs and oil bases.’ He also warned of a global conflict breaking out as nuclear tensions rise and concerns about climate change intensify: ‘The world is sick, and quite probably on the verge of a new world war.’ Officials in Moscow have repeatedly warned that the world faces the most dangerous decade since World War 2. At NATO’s arms control conference recently, the USA said, ‘We have watched and worried that Putin would use his non-strategic tactical nuclear weapon for a managed risk escalation. It’s critical that we remain watchful.’ NATO’s secretary general said Putin’s plan to place tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus was part of a years-long pattern of ‘dangerous, irresponsible nuclear rhetoric’ which intensified with the ‘brutalisation of Ukraine’. See

Published in Europe

The head of Britain’s MI6 foreign spy service, Richard Moore, has said that Putin is clearly under pressure in the wake of the Wagner mutiny attempt in June. In his second speech since becoming MI6 chief in 2020, Richard Moore also appealed to Russians appalled by the war in Ukraine to ‘join hands’ with his intelligence service and bring the bloodshed to an end. He said there appeared little prospect of Moscow regaining momentum in Ukraine, adding that he was optimistic about Kyiv’s counter offensive. This follows Russia evacuating thousands of people in the Crimean peninsula after a military training base fire in the Kirovske district. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s port city of Odessa sustained massive Russian airstrikes the day after Putin pulled out of a deal allowing safe grain exports from the region. The Odessa military administration said the attack was very powerful.

Published in Europe
Friday, 14 July 2023 00:12

Ukraine: humanitarian response

The war in Ukraine has further escalated in 2023, with hostilities ravaging communities in the east and south and taking a heavy toll on civilians living close to the front line. Mine contamination is also creating tremendous challenges for civilians trying to get back to their farms, and for humanitarians striving to deliver assistance. Despite tremendous challenges, humanitarian organisations in Ukraine continue to reach more people every month. By the end of April, 5.4 million had received aid. This was possible thanks to the efforts of hundreds of aid organisations, local groups and volunteers who play a vital role in getting assistance for those who need it the most. Insecurity and access challenges continue, however, to hamper assistance in areas under Russian military control. Funding also remains low, adding to the challenges. Although strikes on energy infrastructure that had driven urgent humanitarian needs during the winter months have decreased, homes, schools, water systems and hospitals continue to be damaged.

Published in Europe
Friday, 07 July 2023 09:53

Ukraine: fight for their lives

Ukraine's counter-offensive is currently slow and cautious. But this patient approach should soon pay off as long-range strikes prevent Russia rearming frontline units, and low Russian morale provides opportunities for strategic breakthroughs by Ukrainian forces. There are vast stretches of minefields lying ahead of Ukraine's counter-attack. ‘Petals’ - small, green, anti-personnel mines - are being scattered by Russian rockets across fields previously liberated and cleared by Ukraine forces. President Zelensky admitted Ukraine’s counterattack was ‘slower than desired’, partly due to minefields slowing down troop movement. The enemy has no mercy for their own soldiers. They are used as cannon fodder. But Ukraine is trying to move forwards with the minimum of casualties. One soldier said, ‘We are learning to improvise and to invent ways to make quick, safe paths through the minefields. But we are fighting a very vicious enemy.’

Published in Europe