Displaying items by tag: Middle East

On 28 January a drone strike on a military outpost in Jordan led to the deaths of three US soldiers and injuries to many others. Joe Biden, attributing the attack to radical Iran-backed militant groups in Syria and Iraq, has vowed retaliation at a time and manner of the US's choosing. Tehran denied involvement, stating that regional resistance groups make their decisions independently. Iran’s envoy to the UN, Amir Saeid Iravani, has threatened decisive action against any possible attacks on Iranian territory or interests abroad. He dismissed reports of communication between Iran and the USA on the matter. Biden has said, ‘I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East… That’s not what I’m looking for.’ Meanwhile, a federal judge has dismissed an unprecedented lawsuit by a group of Palestinians who accused Biden’s administration of complicity in genocide, as being outside the scope of the court. However, he urged Biden to reflect on his ‘unflagging’ support for Israel. See

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Thursday, 25 January 2024 19:55

Middle East: fears of regional escalation

As Israel’s war on Gaza pushes into its fourth month, fears of regional escalation are growing, with several nations and armed groups targeting each other’s territories and common waters, and the USA boosting its military assets in the region. Last week, Iran launched attacks in Syria and Iraq after members of its elite forces were killed in Damascus allegedly in Israeli attacks. Tit-for-tat attacks between Iran and Pakistan threatened to open a new military front, but diplomacy has helped cool the tempers, for now. The Iran-backed Houthi group in Yemen has been targeting commercial and military ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea as a response to the war in Gaza. This has prompted a number of air strikes against them by the USA and the UK. Many companies are now sending their ships on a longer and costlier journey around the African continent. Meanwhile, almost daily cross-border artillery firing and drone attacks between Israeli forces and Hezbollah fighters are threatening to open another front. Tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border have been forced to flee their homes.

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On 17 January the US military launched a fourth round of missile strikes targeting Houthi-controlled sites in Yemen, aiming to prevent imminent threats to merchant vessels and US Navy ships in the region. These actions come after months of Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea, causing disruptions in trade between Asia and Europe. The Houthis, backed by Iran and controlling most of Yemen, claim their actions are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. The Biden administration has now decided to designate them as ‘global terrorists’, reversing a decision made in 2021; however, some commentators felt that Biden was ‘playing with fire’, possibly worsening an already dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. Despite sanctions and previous military operations by US and British forces against the Houthis, they continue to target numerous vessels. The Pentagon press secretary confirmed that the US would persist in taking military action to try to prevent further attacks.

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Thursday, 18 January 2024 21:31

Pakistan / Iran: retaliatory airstrikes

On 18 January Pakistan launched retaliatory airstrikes against alleged ‘terrorist hideouts’ in Iran, killing seven. This followed Iran's strikes on Pakistani soil on the 16th, resulting in the deaths of two children, which targeted Jaish al-Adl, an ethnic Baloch Sunni group which has previously launched attacks inside Iran. Pakistan stated that its actions were based on credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activities and emphasised its respect for Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The airstrikes have heightened tensions in the region, adding to the broader Middle East crisis. Earlier in the week, Iran also conducted strikes in Iraq and Syria, targeting the alleged perpetrators of the bomb attack in Kerman which claimed 84 lives. China, a key ally of both countries, called for restraint and de-escalation in the situation. Pakistan's action is seen as an attempt to restore deterrence amid the volatile dynamics in the region.

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Thursday, 11 January 2024 21:15

South Africa complains of Israeli ‘genocide’

South Africa has appealed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to force Israel to ‘immediately suspend’ its military operations in Gaza. While acknowledging the ‘particular weight of responsibility’ of accusing Israel of genocide, Pretoria has also ‘unequivocally’ condemned the Hamas attacks in October which touched off the war. President Isaac Herzog has called this complaint ‘atrocious and preposterous’: Israel will present its case to the court on 12 January. As it is an urgent procedure, the ICJ could rule in a matter of weeks: although its rulings cannot be appealed, its decisions are not binding. However, a ruling against Israel would certainly increase political pressure on the country and might serve as a pretext for sanctions. Meanwhile, the UN has passed a resolution demanding ‘immediate, safe, and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip’: see

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There are signs which suggest a potential pause in the Israel-Hamas conflict, although a full ceasefire remains uncertain. Hamas, which has consistently said that it will only free more Israeli hostages in exchange for a permanent ceasefire, is engaged in talks in Cairo, led by its leader Ismail Haniyeh. Both Egypt and Qatar are involved in mediating these discussions. Although Israel's goal is to dismantle Hamas completely, it has reportedly presented a plan to secure the release of around forty hostages, focusing on women, elderly individuals, and those in urgent need of medical care. In return, they could exchange Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails with more serious convictions than those released in previous deals. Benjamin Netanyahu emphasised the importance of retrieving the hostages, revealing that Mossad has been actively promoting a new release deal through diplomatic channels. These developments come alongside the news that over 20,000 Palestinians have now been killed in the conflict: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 December 2023 21:53

Gaza conflict: UN vote for an immediate ceasefire

On 12 December, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. With 153 votes in favour, 10 against (including the United States and Israel), and 23 abstentions (including the UK and Germany), the resolution emphasises the need to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, provide humanitarian assistance, and seek a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. It also calls for an end to the use of force and the resumption of negotiations. It is reported that the conflict has now led to over 18,600 civilian casualties in the Gaza strip, 70% of them women and children. The vote serves as a strong international call for an end to hostilities and a return to peace talks. On 8 December, an almost identically worded resolution proposed at the UN security council was vetoed by the USA. There is a sense that Joe Biden’s administration is becoming increasingly isolated in its unconditional support of Israel’s actions.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:29

Gaza: latest developments

On 6 December Israeli troops fought fierce battles with Hamas in an expanding offensive into southern Gaza, forcing tens of thousands of displaced Palestinian civilians to cram into a city close to the Egyptian border to avoid Israeli bombardment. However, many feared they would not be safe in Rafah either, with their options for refuge dwindling, and at least nine people were killed when a house in the city was shelled. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who fled to the south during the two-month-old war between Israel and Hamas are now increasingly cornered in an area deemed safe by Israel's military. UN Secretary General António Guterres has called on Security Council members to avert a humanitarian catastrophe In other news, harrowing details have been released about the acts of sexual violence committed by Hamas fighters when they attacked Israel on 7 October. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:39

Gaza: ceasefire extended

On 30 November Israel and Hamas struck a last-minute agreement to extend their ceasefire for a seventh day. Both sides agreed to extend the truce, with Hamas releasing more hostages and Israel receiving a list of those to be freed. So far, 97 hostages have been released by Hamas and 180 prisoners by Israel: however, there are reports that israel has been arresting more Palestinians. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/28/arrests Washington hoped the truce could be extended further to free more hostages and let more aid reach Gaza. The ceasefire has allowed 220 lorries a day to bring in humanitarian aid to the strip, but two-thirds of its residents are homeless and more than 15,000 have been killed during the Israeli campaign. The USA has urged Israel to specify safe zones for Palestinian civilians if and when its offensive resumes. Meanwhile, soon after the agreement three people have been killed and six injured by Hamas gunmen in Jerusalem: see

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 November 2023 09:09

Israel / Gaza: hostage deal, four-day pause

Israel and Hamas have struck a deal to exchange fifty hostages in Gaza for a four-day ceasefire. This agreement also includes the release of 150 Palestinian women and teenagers held in Israeli prisons and an increase in humanitarian aid for Gaza. The four-day pause came into effect on 24 November, with Israel offering to extend it even further if Hamas agreed to release more hostages. Joe Biden has welcomed the deal, hoping it will end the suffering of the hostages and alleviate the plight of innocent Palestinian families. Until the ceasefire, Israel continued the conflict, with at least 300 airstrikes within 24 hours: see Israel remains committed to its mission to eliminate Hamas and secure the release of over 200 hostages captured in October. Hamas sees this agreement as an opportunity for Palestinians to recover after enduring an intense Israeli military operation. 

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