Displaying items by tag: France

Friday, 21 April 2017 01:51

France: farmers and the election

If elected, Marine Le Pen will suspend all legal immigration to France. Polls suggest she is neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron, ahead of Sunday's first round of voting. However, in a world of alternative facts shared by the Russian-state-funded news operation Sputnik, François Fillon is leading in the polls. A very loud voice comes from farmers protesting about the difficulties of the agricultural industry. 600 committed suicide last year, but little has been done to address French farming’s deepest crisis since World War II. The hidden tragedy is European, and across Europe farmers have been protesting on the streets at ever-increasing intervals to highlight poor market returns for their produce. A fortnight ago members of the agriculture committee of the European Parliament held a minute's silence for those farmers who had committed suicide as a result of the ongoing crisis in agricultural markets. French farmers will be voting for Marine Le Pen. See

Published in Europe

In France, teachers may teach about the Bible, but are strictly forbidden from proselytising or preaching. A step to keep religion out of schools was taken in 2013 when schools were ordered by law to put a charter in a prominent place to remind people of fifteen secular Republican principles. Last week a teacher in Malicornay, central France, was suspended after reading passages of the Bible to his pupils, aged between nine and eleven. Parents of pupils in the class objecting to the teacher's lessons wrote an anonymous letter of complaint to the headmaster, who then decided to suspend the teacher for his apparent disregard of France's strict secularism laws that separate religion from public sphere, in particular in education. The national education board is reviewing the case. France takes secularism - or laïcité - very seriously; however, it is unusual for a teacher to be suspended for reading a passage from the Bible.

Published in Europe

Operation World reports that as Europe becomes less religious and more secular, a non-religious worldview or a mixed spirituality dominates many people's belief systems. Christians decline in number, and the rate of decline increases each year. Many who are considered Christian do not practise their faith, and less than 10% of Europeans regularly attend church.’ The French are no exception; they say, ‘I can only depend on myself’ and, ‘I can’t trust others to watch out for me.’ Système D is a very well-known concept in France: it comes from the verb ‘se débrouiller’ which, though it doesn’t have a good English equivalent, means to figure out your way through (or around) an obstacle or a complicated situation. If you are using Système D, you are using your own resources, your own wits, your own strength to get through life. See Also, read more:

Published in Europe
Friday, 24 February 2017 09:00

Refugees: who should come in?

In the wake of the closure of the Dubs scheme (see article 1 in the Europe section) allowing unaccompanied minors from Calais into the UK, the Government has come under fire. Lord Dubs (himself a refugee from Nazism), who introduced the scheme, is outraged at its closure. The Archbishop of Canterbury was ‘shocked’ over the decision and asked the Government to reconsider. Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the French authorities did not want the scheme to continue because it encourages people-traffickers. Deut.10:18,19 says, ‘He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. You are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt’. Also Job 31:32 says, ‘No stranger had to spend the night in the street, for my door was always open to the traveller.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 February 2017 08:53

France: child refugees and traffickers

The UK Government’s decision to refuse lone child refugees (see last week’s Prayer Alert) has been a boost to traffickers, who are ‘helping’ desperate teenagers rejected by official schemes. Labour MP Yvette Cooper, chair of the home affairs select committee, said that MPs felt misled by the premature closure of the scheme after only six months. It takes councils time to set up systems, and we are back to square one, with teenagers and children at risk of traffickers in Dunkirk. Desperation is what the traffickers want. Traffickers tell children, ‘Every route has been closed, but I can help you’. Volunteers have no hope to offer them, to make them go back to the official centres. Almost 100 under-18s believe they are eligible for transfer to the UK. Hundreds are sleeping rough (about 200 are teenagers), with no shelter and donated sleeping bags. See also the article in the British Isles section.

Published in Europe

As the French presidential race heats up, WikiLeaks archives contain potentially sensitive files on the three main contenders - the republican Francois Fillon, the right-wing hardliner Marine Le Pen, and the liberal Emmanuel Macron. Most of the files cover the years between the mid-2000s and 2011 or 2012. 3,630 documents relate to centre-right presidential hopeful Fillon, whose popularity ratings have dropped recently amid the ongoing scandal over an allegation that his wife Penelope unfairly received over €900,000 (£775,000) as his ‘parliamentary assistant’. Fillon, who fiercely denies claims of wrongdoing, stated that he would quit the race if placed under formal investigation. Meanwhile Marine Le Pen, who appeals strongly to disenfranchised voters and those who feel threatened by a multicultural society, has been accused of wrongfully employing her chief of staff and her bodyguard as her assistants at the European Parliament. They might have been paid up to €350,000 (£300,000) from the parliament's funds. Fillon and Le Pen are currently almost neck and neck in the race, with Macron not far behind, according to the latest surveys.

Published in Europe
Friday, 13 January 2017 07:12

France: Election frontrunner a Christian

On Wednesday François Fillon, the frontrunner for the French presidential election due to take place in April, bucked tradition by declaring his Christian faith. He was picked as the presidential candidate for the French centre-right Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party in November. His declaration of faith has caused a stir in a country where the government, and elected officials, are legally not allowed to endorse a certain religion or the lack of religion, a policy known as laicité - secularity. He told the TF1 television channel, ‘I am a Gaullist and furthermore a Christian. It means that I will never take a decision that would run counter to the respect of human dignity, the respect of the individual, and solidarity.’ He was urged by politicians to keep his faith out of his campaigning. They accused him of using religion to win votes. 60% of people in France identify as Christian.

Published in Europe
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