Displaying items by tag: Emmanuel Macron

France's political future is uncertain as Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) leads opinion polls ahead of parliamentary elections on 30 June. Emmanuel Macron faces potential ‘cohabitation’ with an opposing prime minister, or a fragmented chamber unable to form a stable majority. The polls give RN at least 35% in the first round, with a left alliance at 29% and Macron's centrists around 20%. A high turnout is expected. RN could possibly win more than half the 577 seats being contested. Le Pen is already planning to challenge Macron's authority, especially regarding military decisions: her candidate for prime minister, Jordan Bardella, opposes sending long-range missiles to Ukraine. Current prime minister Gabriel Attal is seeking to highlight RN's divisiveness and the left’s sectarian policies. A final debate offers a last chance to sway voters.

Published in Europe

Emmanuel Macron has said he intends to win the snap legislative election he called after his allies' significant defeat to Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) in the European Parliament elections. He has dismissed claims that dissolving parliament was reckless, potentially empowering the far right and hindering his domestic policy agenda. He stated that his decision was in France's best interests, and urged citizens to vote. The RN secured about 32% of the vote, compared to the 15% garnered by Macron's allies (almost the same percentage as the Socialists). However, he expressed confidence that a national election would be very different, pointing out that politics is dynamic and opinion polls are unreliable. He stated that the president's role is crucial for the republic, institutions,and Europe, and his position is secure regardless of the election outcome - even though the RN would probably call for his resignation if it won.

Published in Europe

During his visit to Brazil, Emmanuel Macron has called the proposed EU-Mercosur trade deal ‘very bad’. He called for a new agreement prioritising climate, biodiversity, and development. While Brazil is eager to sign, France, concerned about its farmers and environmental standards, has reservations. Brazilian officials remain hopeful, emphasising President Lula's commitment to strengthening ties with the EU. Macron also urged increased Brazilian investment in France and proposed collaboration in African markets. He plans to push for international standards promoting decarbonisation and environmental preservation at upcoming summits. His remarks reflect broader debates about balancing economic interests with environmental responsibilities.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 18 January 2024 21:41

France: Macron shifts to the right

On 16 January Emmanuel Macron made a notable shift to the political right during a televised press conference, signalling a change in his political stance. One week earlier, he had appointed Gabriel Attal as the youngest prime minister in French history, leading a noticeably more right-wing cabinet. The move appears to be a response to the growing challenge posed by the hard-right nationalists led by Marine Le Pen's, who are tipped to win the European elections in June. Macron emphasised the importance of instilling French republican values in schoolchildren. He proposed measures like school uniforms, learning the national anthem, civic service for 16-year-olds, and cracking down on drug gangs. He also announced policies to combat the declining birth rate, including improved access to fertility treatments and enhanced parental leave. The press conference format allowed Macron to delve into details, but it also risked portraying him as hiding a lack of substance behind torrents of words. Marine Le Pen dismissed the event as ‘yet another interminable jabber’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 09 November 2023 21:43

France: peace forum focuses on global warming and AI

The sixth Paris Peace Forum, on 10 and 11 November, will focus on four different topics. Emmanuel Macron, along with Barbadian PM Mia Mottley and several African leaders, will assess the progress of the ‘Paris Pact for People and the Planet’, launched in June, which aims to provide substantial funding to combat poverty and climate change, in preparation for December’s COP28 in Dubai. An appeal will be launched to address the ‘collapse’ of ‘all ice surfaces on a global scale.’States affected by glacier loss, such as Nepal and Kyrgyzstan, will participate, as will China and India. Although Russia, a major Arctic actor, will not participate due to the conflict in Ukraine, the Elysée asserts that this will not be an obstacle to cooperation between other countries. Macron will also preside over the fifth Christchurch Call Summit, launched with New Zealand after the terrorist attack in Christchurch in 2019, aiming to enhance efforts to ‘combat terrorist and violent extremist content online’. Another top priority for Macron is to regulate digital platforms and artificial intelligence.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 28 September 2023 22:14

Niger: Macron orders military exit

French president Emmanuel Macron has announced the withdrawal of French troops from Niger and the repatriation of the French ambassador, following a military coup in the country. He stated that France would end its military cooperation with the de facto authorities in Niger, citing their lack of commitment to fighting terrorism. The decision comes after weeks of tensions with the junta and a deteriorating situation. Macron specified that the soldiers stationed in Niger would return to France in an orderly manner over the coming weeks and months, with the goal of completing the withdrawal by the end of the year. The announcement was met with joy in Niamey, the capital of Niger, as thousands of people rallied in support. Macron's decisions were made in coordination with Nigerien president Mohamed Bazoum, who remains under house arrest, and leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Published in Worldwide

French president Emmanuel Macron arrived on 6 April for a three-day state visit to China. President Xi Jinping greeted Macron on a huge red carpet lined by Chinese and French flags as the countries’ national anthems played. President Macron said, ‘The Russian aggression in Ukraine has dealt a blow to stability. I know I can count on you to bring back Russia to reason and everyone back to the negotiating table.’ Macron also said that Beijing can play a ‘major role’ in finding a path to peace in the conflict and welcomed China’s willingness to ‘commit to a resolution’. Macron, who was accompanied on his visit by the European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, said he wants to ‘be a voice that unites Europe’ over Ukraine; coming to China with her served to ‘underline the consistency of this approach’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 June 2022 22:37

France: legislative election upset

France is in uncharted waters after President Emmanuel Macron lost his majority, with a large, shaky opposition bloc on the left and many more far-right lawmakers surging into the National Assembly. Just two months into his second five-year term, Macron has the narrowest majority in French political history and must govern through coalition-building. Marine Le Pen's strategy to turn her far-right party mainstream has succeeded, increasing its lawmakers almost tenfold and cementing the party's rise from fringe status to mainstream opposition. The largest opposition group can claim the privilege of chairing the National Assembly's finance committee - a strategic role because the committee's president sets the agenda, giving any opposition lawmaker determined to hamstring the majority a tool to do so. It also confers powers of inquiry, with access to tax and public spending documents usually off-limits. Marine Le Pen says she intends to lobby for this highly strategic post.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 31 March 2022 22:05

Ukraine: Mariupol suffers weeks of shelling

Vladimir Putin has told his French counterpart the shelling of the besieged city of Mariupol will only end when Ukrainian troops surrender. The key southern port city has been under heavy shelling for weeks. French officials said on 30 March that the Russian leader had agreed to consider plans to evacuate civilians from the city. They called the situation in the city ‘catastrophic’, adding that civilian populations must be protected and must leave the city if they wish. They must have access to food aid, water and medicine. France, Turkey, Greece and several humanitarian groups have presented Putin with a plan to evacuate the city. Officials said Putin told Emmanuel Macron that he will think about it. However after the talks with Ukraine the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, played down any hopes of a breakthrough. On 31 March Ukraine made another attempt to send aid and bring back evacuees.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:52

Northern Ireland hostage over 'fish wars'

France is threatening to block any UK-EU deal over the Northern Ireland Protocol unless the row over post-Brexit fishing licences is resolved in Paris’s favour. With presidential elections next year, he cannot afford to sell out his fishermen, as many hail from a stronghold of his rival Marine Le Pen. Macron has trodden this path before. In 2019, he blocked extending Brexit negotiations, risking a no deal to Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement. In 2020 he threatened to veto any Brexit trade deal that did not satisfy French fishermen, ratcheting up pressure on London. Judging by the negative reactions of the British fishing industry to the trade deal, the tactic worked. Now he is threatening extremely delicate negotiations over the NI Protocol. There is a greater risk now of the UK triggering Article 16 of the protocol than any time before. France also threatened to block the UK from joining the EU’s research programme. See

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