Displaying items by tag: Election

Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:34

Russia: and the winner is …

To nobody’s surprise, Vladimir Putin was declared the winner of Russia’s presidential election, with over 87% of the votes cast. In his victory speech, he showed his confidence by mentioning Alexei Navalny by name for the first time, claiming that he had agreed to a prisoner exchange for him shortly before Navalny died in prison. The Kremlin dismissed accusations of Navalny's murder by his widow, Yulia, as false: Putin callously referred to his death as a part of life. The election saw a variety of protests, including pouring dye into a ballot box and setting off Molotov cocktails: Putin played down their impact. The election faced criticism internationally for lack of fairness; British officials condemned Putin's victory as undemocratic and likened him to Stalin. Despite this reaction, the election has solidified his grip on power and given him a mandate to pursue the war with Ukraine more actively.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:28

Venezuela: government keeps arresting opponents

According to Venezuela’s government, there have been numerous conspiracies against president Nicolás Maduro in the last year. This has resulted in the arrest of over thirty individuals, including a prominent human rights lawyer and opposition campaign staff. Critics have denounced these arrests as efforts to suppress political opposition ahead of the upcoming presidential election in July. The attorney general has said the plots aimed at attacking military installations, assassinating Maduro, and destabilising the country. Maduro has also alleged that the US government is behind the plots to assassinate him. The government's crackdown extends to barring key opposition figures from running in the election, such as market advocate María Corina Machado, who remains determined to contest, hoping for international support. However, the government's lack of transparency in legal proceedings raises concerns about due process.

Published in Worldwide

Narendra Modi's government has been accused by the opposition Congress party of using the tax department to financially cripple them ahead of the upcoming elections in April and May, which Modi’s BJP party are favourites to win. Congress leader Sonia Gandhi claimed a systematic effort to starve the party of funds, stating that freezing their 2.1 billion rupee (£20 million) accounts is unprecedented and undemocratic. Her son Rahul said, ‘This is not the freezing of our bank accounts. It is the freezing of Indian democracy.’ Without access to funds, the party is unable to spend money on advertisements and publicity, paying party workers, and printing campaign materials, They have also pointed out that this action has been taken at a time when it had just been revealed that the BJP had benefited hugely from the electoral bonds scheme set up in 2018, which the supreme court declared illegal in February. The BJP and tax authorities have yet to respond.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 March 2024 22:00

Lithuania: attack on Navalny aide

Lithuania has blamed Moscow for a brutal hammer attack on Leonid Volkov, a close aide to the late Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, outside his home in Vilnius. Volkov sustained injuries, including a broken arm, in the assault. The Lithuanian president has condemned the attack as a planned provocation, challenging Vladimir Putin's regime. Lithuanian authorities are intensively investigating the incident, attributing it to Moscow's efforts to influence the upcoming presidential election. Volkov has vowed to continue the opposition's struggle against Putin despite the attack. This assault marks the latest in a series of threats and violence against Navalny's allies living abroad, following his recent death in custody. His widow, Yulia Navalnaya, has urged the West not to recognise Russia's upcoming presidential election results, denouncing Putin as a usurper and murderer.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 14 March 2024 21:39

USA: it’s a Biden-Trump rematch

This week, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump secured their parties' nominations for the November election, setting the stage for a rematch of the 2020 presidential election. Biden, 81, expressed gratitude for the support amid what he described as a heightened threat from Trump. He asserted the US was in the middle of an economic comeback, but faced challenges to its future as a democracy, as well as from those seeking to pass abortion restrictions and cut social programmes. Despite persistent concerns from voters that his age limits his ability to perform the duties of the presidency, he faced no serious Democratic challengers. Meanwhile, Trump, 77, maintains popularity within the Republican voter base, focusing his campaign on immigration, crime, energy, and foreign policy. The results were expected, as both candidates have dominated their respective races, even though polling suggests dissatisfaction with the prospect of another Biden-Trump showdown. The nominations will be formalised at party conventions in the summer, leading to what is anticipated to be a closely-watched and contentious election in November.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 February 2024 20:57

Pakistan: coalition government to be formed

Two major parties, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN), have agreed to form a coalition government following inconclusive national elections. PMLN president Shehbaz Sharif, who will be the prime ministerial candidate, has stated that they have the necessary numbers to govern. Asif Ali Zardari of the PPP will be the presidential candidate. Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), which won the most seats but lacked a majority, accused rivals of stealing their mandate. Claims of vote-rigging have been fuelled by a confession by a top official who has implicated the head of the election commission and a top judge. This has prompted protests, due to which social media platform X has been inaccessible. The delay in forming a government had caused concern; the country is grappling with an economic crisis amid slow growth and record inflation and rising violence by armed groups. It needs a stable administration with the authority to take tough decisions.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 15 February 2024 22:19

India: two mosques demolished

The recent demolition of two mosques has accentuated religious divisions as India prepares for elections in April / May, expected to secure prime minister Narendra Modi a third term. The demolitions, in Uttarakhand and Delhi, come weeks after the inauguration of the contentious Ram Mandir temple on the site of a historic mosque torn down by Hindu fundamentalists in the 1990s. That ceremony, marking a huge shift away from modern India’s secular founding principles, was hailed by Hindu nationalists as a crowning moment in their decades-long campaign to reshape the nation. Both demolitions were supposedly because of ‘illegal encroachment’. In Uttarakhand, violent confrontations followed, claiming six lives and prompting curfews. Many scared Muslims have said they just want to leave. Analysts fear escalating religious tensions as Modi's BJP advances its populist, divisive policies ahead of the elections. Despite Modi's aspiration to portray India as a vibrant modern superpower, many Muslims feel marginalised in the world’s largest democracy.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 15 February 2024 22:13

Indonesia: ex-army strongman claims election victory

Former army general Prabowo Subianto, 72, has claimed victory in Indonesia’s presidential election with nearly 60% of the vote, according to unofficial results from state-owned Antara, CNN Indonesia, and Reuters. Prabowo has said, ‘I will nurture, protect and defend all the people of Indonesia, regardless of their background’. He also urged his supporters to remain calm, to prevent a repeat of 2019's deadly riots. Indonesia, home to over 200 million voters, faced logistical challenges due to its vast geography and diverse population. Young voters played a significant role in the election. Prabowo’s military past, linked to alleged human rights violations and ties to Suharto's regime, remains contentious. Despite losses in previous elections, he joined forces with former president Joko Widodo’s son Gibran, a move criticised for potential nepotism. The transformation from military figure to democratic supporter has marked his political career, culminating in this victory and a new chapter in Indonesian politics.

Published in Worldwide

On 31 January Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi were sentenced to 14 years in prison for illegally profiting from state gifts. The court also imposed a fine of approximately £4.2 million on the couple and barred him from holding public office for ten years. On the previous day he and the vice-chairman of PTI, his political party, were given a ten-year sentence for leaking classified state documents. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-68138591 These convictions come just a week before a general election in which he is disqualified from participating. The sentences are expected to run concurrently, but this has not been officially confirmed. Khan's legal team plans to appeal the rulings in the High Court. He has been in jail since August; Bushra Bibi, who had been out on remand, surrendered herself at the jail. The charges revolve around allegations (which they strongly deny) that they sold or kept state gifts received during their time in office including a jewelry set from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. See also last week’s article.

Published in Worldwide

There are allegations of extensive official censorship on coverage of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) ahead of the country's elections on 8 February. PTI, founded by former prime minister Imran Khan, is considered one of the most popular political parties in Pakistan. However, he has been imprisoned since August 2023, facing corruption and state secrets leakage charges which he claims are politically motivated. Censorship against PTI has increased since Khan lost a confidence vote in April 2022, leading to his resignation. The election commission has rejected nomination papers for Khan and other PTI leaders and stripped the party of its election symbol (a cricket bat), forcing many candidates to run as independents. Several journalists have admitted receiving official instructions not to use party symbols or identify candidates as PTI members. though the government has denied these claims. Media censorship has grown since May 2023, when PTI supporters protested against Khan's arrest. Government officials recently said that unrestricted internet access during elections cannot be guaranteed, citing technical issues.

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