Displaying items by tag: Brexit

Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:56

Archbishop’s Brexit tweets

Justin Welby has tweeted that it is easy to tell MPs how badly they are doing and abuse and threaten. Instead of that, he urged people to pray for them, because as they have to decide for us they deserve our respect. He said, ‘Let us pray for them, for a decision that has widespread support, and for a process that brings national agreement.’ He has told the House of Lords that ‘there is a requirement for national reconciliation’. He has also urged Remainers and Brexiteers to get together this weekend. The CofE wants to get people who disagree over membership of the bloc to ‘chat over a cup of tea and pray for our country and our future’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:10

Intercessor Focus: prayer and politics

Many are asking, ‘How can we pray for an orderly solution to Brexit when the leaders of our nations appear to be tirelessly holding opposing forceful opinions?’ Now is the time to ask God to replace confusion with order and replace chaos with clarity. Pray that the outworking of every emotion and frustration among MPs and in the EU will facilitate the fulfilling of God's purposes. God is Lord of Heaven and earth, He is righteous, just and merciful; nothing is impossible for Him. In faith we can ask Him to bring boundaries, borders, and the sovereignty of the UK into His intention for the future. You are also reminded of the National Call to Prayer for the UK during the week of 24–30 March. May God revive us with fresh revelations of the depth of His love and authority that comes from Heaven when we pray.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:41

Brexit - what now?

On 14 March MPs voted to delay Brexit by a period of at least three months. Theresa May will now need to go back to the EU to request an extension to the 29 March deadline, even if (as seems unlikely) her Brexit deal is approved by parliament in a third ‘meaningful vote’ before 20 March. It is unclear what might happen if the EU refuses. The following is part of a declaration posted online by Passion for the Nation: ‘Lord, we thank You for every miracle You have worked in our nation in past seasons; for the turnarounds, revivals and personal miracles of provision and healing which have transformed lives, families and communities. At this strategic time within Parliament, we declare that a new desire for solutions will be released, uniting men and women across all parties, so that Kingdom purpose will overwhelm and overcome every personal, political and ideological preference and every strategy of the enemy to bring division.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:20

People here live in both countries

Young people in Northern Ireland have grown up with a unique ability to identity as British, Irish, or both, thanks to the peace agreement that ended decades of conflict. But after Brexit, some people think the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland could again become a scene of violence, and there is uncertainty about what rights Irish and British passport holders will have. Pray for the questions around people’s identities and citizenships to be resolved. Pray for peace to cover all areas threatened with fear and violence. To watch a short documentary about the north/south divide issues discussed by young people, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:56

National Call to Prayer on 28 March - reminder

There will be a national week of prayer around the day we are due to leave the EU. This is an initiative, inspired by some Christians working in the Government, to invite Christians to come together to pray for our nation, without a political agenda - just praying for God's will to be done - at this key time in our nation's history. Individuals who cannot join others in city gatherings in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, and London are invited to host a prayer event in their church, village, town or city. Pray for the nation to be mobilised in powerful intercession. To find a prayer event near you, or register your event, go to

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:53

Brexit vote just 17 days before Brexit

Theresa May is considering Labour’s demands for a parliamentary vote on the UK’s future EU relationship as the price for backing her Brexit deal in her battles with Conservative Eurosceptics. She needs another 110 votes to get her deal through the House of Commons. Labour said the package of greater guarantees for workers after Brexit, unveiled on 6 March, will convince a few to vote for her withdrawal bill; but she could win dozens more representing leave-voting areas with a parliamentary vote on the future relationship with the EU. The view from Brussels is pessimistic, and many believe a delay to Brexit day is likely. Five EU diplomats said, on condition of anonymity, ‘Not much is moving. The UK keeps insisting on the same things, time limit and unilateral exit. We keep explaining why this can’t happen.’ Bulgaria's foreign affairs minister said, ‘We are open to an extension of Article 50, but it should be with a clear firm orderly Brexit.’ See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:07

Seeds of prayer

Unless there is a postponement or a second referendum, the UK will leave (or partly leave) the EU on 29 March. Whatever the exact outcome, this will mark a watershed in our nation’s history and lead to a time of much disruption. The call to prayer is therefore urgent. Christians are primarily citizens of Heaven, and need to be about the King’s business. Pray that the Lord will give Christians, both rural and urban, renewed strength to show exemplary love for one another (John 13:34-35), ‘preach the word in season and out of season’, and to walk as ‘children of light’ in the midst of a dark world.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:02

Spain: Gibraltar and visa-free travel

In a bitter row over the sovereignty of Gibraltar, Spain has threatened to block visa-free access to the EU for Britons. Madrid refuses to back down on a controversial description of Gibraltar. Spain has made numerous attempts to use Brexit in its efforts to snatch back sovereignty of the Rock from Britain. Prime minister Pedro Sanchez faces a general election on 28 April. The British government maintains that Gibraltar is not a colony, and will continue to defend its overseas territory. During a meeting of EU ambassadors earlier this month, Sir Tim Barrow, the UK’s permanent EU representative, battled with his counterparts in protest at the move to brand the Rock a ‘colony’. ‘Gibraltar is not a colony, and it is completely inappropriate to describe it in this way. Gibraltar is a full part of the UK family’, he stated.

Published in Europe
Friday, 22 February 2019 09:53

Calm in the midst of uncertainty

Scottish MP John Mason says that people’s conversations and prayers verge on panic at the thought of Brexit. Yet, in the light of eternity and God’s unchanging love for us, why is our relationship with the EU so very important? He quotes the hymn which says, ‘Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives’. He said, ‘We are in the world, but not of it. Even if those around us are worried or even panicking, we should be the ones who are at peace about the future.’ We can pray for those who are fearful about where their family’s future lies, or worried about their jobs or the future of their business. Pray for more people to know the peace that only Jesus can give.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 February 2019 22:24

The way to prosperity

Rev Dr Clifford Hill wrote recently, ‘There is a better way to ensure our nation’s future blessing and prosperity. Politicians, bankers, big businessmen and journalists have all been making their pronouncements about whether we should leave the European Union or stay in it. There are exceptions**, but I’ve yet to hear any leader in church or state calling the nation to seek the guidance of God for the future well-being and prosperity of Britain. We can pray and ask God to prompt our Christian politicians to quote scripture in parliament as they did in Victorian times. God loves to work out His salvation with just a handful of people who are totally committed to him like Gideon’s 300. He is calling the faithful remnant in Britain to intercede to save the nation.’ ** Editorial comment: Justin Welby’s initiative ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a clear cross-denominational exception to Dr Hill’s view.

Published in British Isles