Displaying items by tag: Brexit

Thursday, 20 August 2020 21:25

UK and EU negotiating teams resume talks

On 18 August, 48 hours of Brexit talks resumed in Brussels. A source close to British negotiators said it would not accept any deal that ‘constrains’ the UK to the EU’s rules and infringes sovereignty. They reiterated that the UK was still seeking a free trade deal with the EU, similar to its agreement with Canada. The source said, ‘We remain committed to working hard to find the outlines of a balanced agreement. Our priority throughout the process has always been the return of our sovereignty.’ Former Brexit secretary David Davis said that fifty civil servants going to Brussels to negotiate was not enough. It ought to be a couple of hundred because there are so many things going on in parallel. We are also negotiating trade with America, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. The Americans and the New Zealanders are complaining we’re not moving fast enough.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 August 2020 23:07

UK citizens relocate after Brexit vote

Research has found that the number of British nationals emigrating to other EU countries has risen by 30% since the Brexit referendum, with half making their decision to leave in the first three months after the vote. Approximately 380,000 British nationals already live in Spain, where the biggest jump in migration occurred. Germany has seen 31,600 Britons naturalising there since the referendum. These increases in numbers are of a magnitude that you would expect when a country is hit by a major economic or political crisis. Half chose to leave the UK quickly, possibly indicating an increased level of impulsiveness, spontaneity, and corresponding risk-taking.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:52

Brexit deadlock

Brexit talks have stalled over a series of key issues; neither the UK and EU has shown any willingness to make concessions. The future of British fisheries has remained one bone of contention since the start of the talks, as the EU continues to demand access to UK waters at the end of the transition period. Tim Bale, the deputy-director of the UK in a Changing Europe think tank, suggested Boris Johnson is unlikely to give in to EU demands because of their ‘symbolic’ importance. It’s all about the slogan that won the referendum, ‘Take back control’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 23 July 2020 21:40

Brexit: possible ‘no deal on trade’

On 22 July transport secretary Grant Shapps said that the United Kingdom wants a Brexit free trade deal with the EU, but is prepared for a no deal. A spokesman for Boris Johnson said later that day that Britain remains committed to agreeing the outlines of a balanced trade agreement with the EU, but significant differences between the two sides remain. Talks on a future relationship, which are now in their fifth round, have all but stalled. Some companies fear that there will be disruption at the end of the year if the two fail to secure a trade deal. Mr Johnson’s spokesman said, ‘We will make sure that we’re prepared for all possible scenarios.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 July 2020 21:40

Judges plunge Brexit talks into chaos

The European Court of Justice has rejected a crucial EU-US data sharing deal that could have serious ramifications for the relationship between Europe and Britain. Thejudges rejected the Privacy Shield agreement between the bloc and the USA. The tool is used by thousands of firms to protect Europeans’ personal data when it is transferred across the Atlantic. The agreement prompted complaints amid privacy concerns about the United States’ surveillance watchdogs. As part of the post-Brexit future relationship talks, the two sides want to establish an agreement to enable smooth flows of data after the transition period expires in December. The UK has fully rearranged the EU’s procedures into national law, but has a controversial track record in mass surveillance. In 2018 a European court ruled the UK had breached human rights protections in its mass surveillance programmes.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:29

UK fishing rights in Brexit talks

Post-Brexit access to UK waters for EU fishermen is a major hurdle to a trade deal between the UK and Europe. Michel Barnier had a private dinner with UK’s Brexit negotiator, David Frost, at Downing Street on 8th July. It is believed they discussed UK’s fishing rights over a meal of halibut and asparagus. The meeting comes after it emerged Mr Barnier had told a House of Lords select committee in June that the bloc could water down its stance on fishing if the UK also agrees to compromise. The UK insists British fishing boats have priority as it pushes for a new scientific approach based on how many fish are in domestic waters. If both sides dig their heels in on their positions there will be no discussion on fisheries, and therefore no agreement on trade.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:45

Brexit: intensified talks in July

Brexit talks started in earnest on 15 June with an online meeting between Boris Johnson and EU leaders. There are only six months left to negotiate, sign and seal the UK's future relationship with its biggest and closest trade partner, but the talks have all but stalled due to disagreements on fisheries. Politicians and business leaders in the UK and Europe are calling for negotiations to be prolonged in the light of the pandemic. The UK originally had until June to extend the transition period, but now a statement says that the EU and UK plan ‘to intensify the talks in July and create the most conducive conditions for concluding and ratifying a deal before the end of 2020: this should include, if possible, finding an early understanding on the principles underlying any agreement.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 May 2020 00:27

No Brexit deal if vital talks fail in June

David Frost, Britain’s trade deal negotiator, has warned the Cabinet that Brussels talks are heading for collapse. He told ministers to ‘take the moral high ground’ when speaking to their counterparts across the Channel in the face of Brussels stubbornness. He urged them to step up their ‘no deal’ planning in case talks over a new trading arrangement break down. Downing Street is preparing to issue warnings that the UK is heading for an ‘Australia-style deal’ - which in reality means tariffs on imported and exported goods under World Trade Organisation terms. Boris Johnson is expected to tell the EU27 to set new rules for their negotiator Michel Barnier, otherwise any hopes of a deal fade. If progress is not made at the next online UK-EU negotiators meeting there is talk in Whitehall of a British walkout. A senior Government source said, ‘Breakdown is entirely possible.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:14

Brexit deadline

Currently, Britain will remain under EU’s rules until 31 December, but the withdrawal agreement allows for a one- or two-year extension if both sides can reach an agreement by 30 June. This gives both sides more time to negotiate a trade deal after talks were halted due to the coronavirus crisis. EU diplomats expect the Prime Minister to ask for a delay, but Downing Street remains resolute in its bid to complete Brexit by year end. Any delay would require a new treaty - another lengthy divorce deal. A Flextension for an extra few weeks was ruled out by Brussels, enraging Brexit supporters. The IMF said that the UK and the EU should not ‘add to uncertainty’ by refusing to extend the period to negotiate a post-Brexit trade deal: see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 February 2020 22:46

The first phase of transition

Britain has legally entered a 'transition period', and is free to pursue trade deals with other countries immediately while hammering out terms of future EU relationships. Boris Johnson said that Britain will not obey Brussels rules to get a trade deal while Brussels demands that the UK give access to fishing waters. They are on another collision course. Before trade talks can begin in earnest they must agree a negotiating mandate, spell out their red lines and be finalised by early March. Meanwhile, trade tensions rise as the UK hires more patrol boats to keep out EU fishing fleets ahead of a potential showdown over access. Pray for the 40 officials, called 'Taskforce Europe', leading negotiations for the UK. They are led by one-time business lobbyist and diplomat David Frost, who will negotiate directly with Michel Barnier. In April/May UK trade talks with the EU and other nations are expected to intensify even more. See also

Published in British Isles