The Health Protection Agency (HPA) reported 482,696 cases of sexually transmitted infections in UK health clinics in 2009, a 3% increase on 2008, with teenagers and young adults accounting for the majority. According to HPA young…
New research suggests that women with a high level of alcohol intake are more likely to take the morning after pill or have an abortion. According to the University College London study, women who binge drink…
Church Action on Poverty has voiced concern over the impact of George Osborne’s Budget one day after a respected think tank warned that financial cutbacks were hitting the poor hardest. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said…
French government policy towards the Roma community has provoked the anger of the Catholic Church – from the Vatican itself to individual priests like Father Arthur Hervet. A renowned defender of Roma rights, Father Arthur is…
French government policy towards the Roma community has provoked the anger of the Catholic Church – from the Vatican itself to individual priests like Father Arthur Hervet. A renowned defender of Roma rights, Father Arthur is…
Organizations working with the homeless, the country's largest opposition party, the political party likely to lead Prague after autumn elections and homeless people themselves are all speaking out against the plans by City Hall to build…