Displaying items by tag: USA

Friday, 19 January 2018 09:56

Syria/US/Turkey: fragile relationships

The USA is working with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to create a border force, potentially 30,000 fighters, along the Turkey/Iraq borders and along the Syrian side of the Euphrates. Since 2014 it has led the coalition of nations using air strikes and specialist troops to fight IS across Syria and Iraq. IS has now lost most of that territory. For much of the war, the US and Turkey worked together against the Assad government. But this decision to back Kurdish fighters has enraged Ankara, and Syria denounced any new border force as an assault on its sovereignty, adding that Syrians joining the force would be ‘traitors’. Turkey vowed to ‘drown’ Kurdish border security forces in bullets, and Erdogan accused America of forming a ‘terrorist’ force on Turkey’s border. The fragile state of relations between the nations deteriorates.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 11:55

USA: southern California’s explosive fires

Hundreds of firefighters are working around the clock to battle fast-moving wildfires in southern California, and wind gusts of 80mph are expected to make matters worse. Wildfires across hillsides quickly incinerated neighbourhoods; over 110,000 people were evacuated in one county on 6 December. Prayer is needed for the overworked firefighters coping with explosive fire growth; for the crews from other states and the National Guard giving assistance; for the thousands of families now sheltering in community buildings, and the provisions needed for their comfort; for those who have had their homes destroyed; and those mourning lost families and friends. Ecologist Alexandra Syphard said, ‘Canyons cutting through the hills align diagonally with the direction of the Santa Ana winds and turn into fire funnels. Fire is part of life for the cities spread across the hills. At the end of a summer of droughts, with Santa Ana blowing, we have ideal conditions for the type of wildfires we’re experiencing every year.’ See

Published in Worldwide

600 or so mission leaders and others will gather to focus on the remaining 1347 unengaged unreached peoples that need to be adopted for prayer and mission.

Pray: for the organizers, especially Paul Eshleman who is battling some illness and is one of the main speakers.

Pray: that a new close convergence between the prayer and mission movements will happen and that all these UPGs will be adopted and reached even by 2025.

For more details, see http://www.finishingthetask.com

Finishing the Task, Mission Viejo, California, Dec. 5-7
Friday, 17 November 2017 11:05

Christian baker supported by gay community

Jack Phillips, a Christian bakery owner, is appealing a recent ruling against him after a complaint filed by a gay couple who sought a wedding cake from him - but he refused because of his religious beliefs. His case will be heard before the US supreme court in December. He is receiving support not only from Christians but also from many in the gay community who have spoken out in support of his religious freedom rights. One video says, ‘I'm TJ, and I'm Matt; we're gay and we're here to support Jack Phillips, to buy stuff from him, and support him because we don't think any artist should be forced to create for something that violates their beliefs’. The video was posted by Alliance Defending Freedom, the conservative legal firm defending Phillips.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 November 2017 10:38

USA: gunman not recognised as dangerous

On 5 November Devin Kelley killed 26 worshippers in a Texas church. Pray for the Sutherland Springs community trying to cope with the tragedy. Pastor Frank Pomeroy knew Kelley as ‘not a good person’ but said, 'How do I turn him away?' Kelley had a violent history that was left out of a gun background check system. Pray for the such checking systems to be fit for purpose. Kelley left the air force in 2014 with a bad conduct discharge and the air force has previously requested a broader review of criminal record reporting across the defence department. The FBI said that there were missing records, bad procedures, and faulty reporting in the air force’s dishonourable discharge records. See https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/06/texas-shooting-suspect-devin-kelley-domestic-abuse-background-check

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:09

Evil Plans for Revolutionary Violence in the USA

"Get ready for the Second Coming of Barack Hussein Obama. THE COMEBACK! Ready or not, Obama will emerge from the shadows that have been sheltering him as ‘Leader of the Resistance’, for a 2-day Global Summit in Chicago, where he floats the hope that young civic leaders gathered for the Summit call will live on to “change the world”.

"Note that Resistance Leader Obama, flush with a $60-million plus book deal and a $1-billion, modern, stone-and-glass complex on Lake Michigan planned as the Obama Presidential Center for a 2021 opening, is not creeping back to the front of the battle lines, but will be strutting across the stage, in full theatrical glory at Chicago’s Hyatt Regency McCormick Place."


"The Obama center is no longer just the dream blueprint of an egomaniac. It is theObamaFoundation, the former president’s 3-year-old nonprofit forglobalchange, that is hosting the global summit onOct. 31 and Nov. 1and bringing to reality, the future site of the Obama Presidential Center in the City of Chicago.

“Expected to be completed in 2021, it will be located in Jackson Park, a space designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. The 500-acre, lakefront park already includes the Museum of Science and Industry, a beach, golf courses and athletic facilities."

Nov. 4th: Progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date

Even with Obama’s September video calling on civic youth to come together to “change the world”, and with his inaugural global summit heralding the attendance of the Prince of Wales, comments on some sites promoting the big Chicago global event total zero in their comment sections.

But it’s the timing of the summit that presents the most clear and present danger. The summit will be followed three short days later by what the progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date, the one whose hopes ride on FINALLY removing both Donald Trump and Michael Pence from office.

Tom Trento, of theUnited Westsends this warning to the United States: “OnNovember 4, 2017the Marxist Left will attack American cities to destroy President Trump.”

Read read full article with sources here:  http://canadafreepress.com/article/the-big-obama-comeback-to-be-followed-by-the-big-trump-takedown

Let’s pray for the overthrow of these evil plans of globalists to ignite anarchy and revolutionary violence in order to bring down the U.S. government and to create a New World Order.

1. Pray that the "global summit" Obama and his people are planning for Oct 31 to Nov 1 will be a non-event, even a complete bust, and that those participating will see right through him, being repulsed by his noble-sounding but narcissistic and false vision.

2. Let's also pray that groups like Antifa and associated radical leftist groups that are socialist-communist-anarchist in their political stance and who are prepared to use violence to destroy our elected president and government will be stopped (even arrested) and shown up to the American people as being an evil danger to our nation. May they and their philosophy be rejected wholesale by the American people and especially the youth whose support they are courting!

3. Pray that the US government will be effective in forcefully coming against and neutralizing such radical groups and that any plans for violent demonstrations on Nov 4th will be unsuccessful so that any socio-political revolution intended will be quashed by our police and military and so that lives and property will be kept from harm.

4. Behind all of those human actors who are wrong-headed or are planning outright harm and evil there are spiritual forces of darkness that want to use people in these ways. Let's indeed use the Lord's authority to bind Satan and such demonic beings, preventing them from bringing chaos and destruction upon the USA.

Friday, 27 October 2017 10:28

USA: recent instances of corruption

In this fallen world people in positions of authority break laws. The following are corruption instances in a three week period. Four Baltimore police detectives distributed heroin. A congressional staffer organised fraudulent money laundering schemes. A deputy secretary of state committed perjury. A Detroit deputy chief of police committed bribery and conspiracy. A Navy comptroller accepted illegal gratuities. A state judge dismissed cases in exchange for personal benefits. A Philadelphia judge and a witness made false statements to the federal election commission. Audio evidence in a federal investigation was tampered with for financial gain. A construction company paid $1 million in bribes for Atlanta contracts. A Drug Enforcement Administration special agent obstructed justice, committed perjury and other crimes; a former Task Force officer was also charged. A Pine Bluff man stole $1 million intended to feed hungry children. A Vigo County sheriff’s deputy committed fraud. Corruption damages the economy, reputations of businesses and of those fighting for justice.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 October 2017 10:08

USA: child brides

The BBC’s America First series reported on Angel, who was 13 when her mother forced her to marry and start a family. ‘I felt like a slave,’ she says of her childhood. Zimbabwe, Malawi and El Salvador have recently banned child marriage, but it remains legal in the USA - and half of states have no set minimum age below which you cannot get married. Recently the Independent reported that in the last fifteen years, more than 200,000 children were married in the USA. The minimum age for marriage is usually 18, but there are exemptions - such as parental consent or pregnancy - which allow younger children, sometimes as young as ten, to tie the knot. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 October 2017 11:24

24/7 worship in Washington

Awaken the Dawn was a weekend of worship in the National Mall, a vast area of parkland between Capitol Hill and the Lincoln Memorial. Christians from every state and region had a tent on the Mall for the event, each one offering praise and adoration 24/7 all weekend. They desired to bless God and call His presence down on America. ‘It’s all about King Jesus,’ said one participant. ‘We’re lifting His name up. The Bible says, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”. We want to see a Great Awakening.’ Another worshipper said, ‘Just as you have congressmen and senators representing every state in politics, here every state in the union is represented by Holy Ghost Christian people of all races and colours. We are here to worship the King of Kings 24/7.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 13 October 2017 09:41

California: wildfire disaster

Massive wildfires in California have killed 31 people, and damaged thousands of homes and businesses. 8,000 firefighters, supported by 124 aircraft, are battling 22 wildfires, intensified by strong winds, in areas declared to be in a state of emergency. Flames have charred 170,000+ acres and damaged or destroyed 3,500+ structures, forcing the evacuation of 25,000 residents. Pray for comfort for those who have lost loved ones, and for the healing of hundreds being treated for burns and smoke inhalation. Ask God to strengthen those who have lost everything, and pray for the hundreds of missing people to be found alive and safe. Remember police as they strive to prevent looting, and for hospitals and homes without electricity. One sheriff said the wildfires are ‘one of the worst natural disasters in California’s history.’

Published in Worldwide