International Prayer Connections
"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, doing wonders?" Exodus 15:11 We often hear of the encouraging revivals of the past, when God did amazing things way back then, in the Great Awakenings in USA, the Welsh revival,…
"Rescue those being led away to death"* We are bringing you this article which was originally to highlight North Korean Refugees Day, which has past, but it brings some informative information to guide our ongoing prayers for this troubled nation… We cannot allow the latest provocations of the Kim Jong…
The Pavilion, Jerusalem, Israel The Holy Convocation in Jerusalem to Welcome the King of Glory! Shalom from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King! Two thousand years ago our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, commanded his disciples to take the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of…
Breaking News: The sister we asked IPC Connections readers to pray for that was kidnapped on May, 20th 2017 was released! Praise be to God and thank you for your prayers. The original report is here: A Finnish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan in May has been freed, Finland's…
100 babies will be murdered in the time it takes us to read this article. We're just hours from a major U.N. deadline to defend unborn babies. It's estimated that now more than 28 million defenseless babies have been needlessly slaughtered worldwide by abortion - over a million by Planned…
“May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendour to their children. May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.” — Psalm 90:16–17. Bethany Children's Trust's training resource, entitled “the…
We are based out of Atlanta, and have a mission to equip families to pray together in the home. Most of our ministry to date has been in Latin America and the Middle East. We are beginning to make stronger connections in the USA, and are hoping to forge relationships…
A Muslim who says he beat and killed Christians because of their faith and says he was miraculously healed from bullet wounds he received in one of those attacks has not only converted but become the pastor of a home church in an undisclosed Islamic country, according to Bibles for…
Thank you for your willingness to pray for this unprecedented moment. It is our longing to meet face-to-face with Him on the National Mall. This is America’s Tent of Meetings. It is our conviction that we must pray like never before as we approach this holy moment before Him. We…
George Soros. Who are we dealing with? By some he is described as a wealthy philanthropist and others say he is the most evil man in the world and that Satan is using him around the world. In the last couple of months I have met with numerous people from…
Month of Prayer & Fasting to Protect Marriage Australia is in the middle of a government mandated postal survey to decide the future of marriage between a man and a woman. The polls are predicting a defeat for those who believe in the biblical definition of marriage. Australian Christians are…
Christian High School Student Killed in Pakistan The father of a 17-year-old Christian who was killed in a school in Pakistan by at least one Muslim classmate said the attack was religiously motivated, a charge that police dispute. Ilyasab Masih (father of the victim) stated that a teacher had set…