Displaying items by tag: Politics

Friday, 02 March 2018 11:12

Scotland: church and smacking ban

Scotland’s Catholic Church was savaged by children's rights campaigners for opposing a ban on smacking. A top church official said plans to outlaw the physical punishment of children would ‘criminalise parents’, and it is not the role of the state to interfere in parenting. Scotland's children and young people's commissioner, Bruce Adamson, said that many nations with Catholic majorities - such as Ireland, Spain and Portugal - had already outlawed hitting children. Green MSP John Finnie, who introduced the ‘ban smacking’ bill, said the church is out of step with international opinion, adding, ‘Smacking is banned in the Pope’s home country Argentina’. The SNP government confirmed that the bill will become law.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 March 2018 10:56

Ken Livingstone - anti-Semitism claims

Ken Livingstone's suspension from the Labour party over anti-Semitism claims has been extended indefinitely pending the outcome of an internal investigation. The former London mayor's suspension had been due to expire on 27 April, but in his last official act as Labour general secretary, Iain McNicol signed off on an indefinite extension, the Huffington Post UK has revealed. Mr McNicol employed a rarely-used procedure to impose an ‘administrative suspension’ on Mr Livingstone. Mr Livingstone said he had been ‘suspended for stating the truth’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:48

Declarations prior to Chequers meeting

The Brexit secretary, David Davis, has hit back at negative suggestions that Brexit will lead to an Anglo-Saxon race to the bottom, saying that fears are based on neither history, intention, nor interest. International trade secretary Liam Fox has warned EU leaders that imposing new tariff barriers with the UK would make their economies less competitive, and stressed the benefits of the high UK standards of goods. Meanwhile a letter to Theresa May signed by sixty Tory MPs insisted that the UK should make a clean break with the EU, stating that the UK must be able to negotiate trade deals with other countries as soon as it leaves the EU, and must gain full ‘regulatory autonomy’. Both speeches and the letter set out key Brexit issues ahead of the MPs’ ‘away day’ at Chequers on 22 February. Pray that all decisions made there will lead to a new, fresh positive team of British MPs standing strong behind Theresa May for frictionless change.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:40

‘Brexit must not undermine peace process’

Simon Coveney, Tánaiste (Irish deputy leader), has said that through the Brexit negotiations Ireland wished to see the creation of the closest possible future connection between the EU and the UK. He said, ‘A key strategic objective is to ensure that the outcome of Brexit does not undermine the hard-won gains of the peace process, as exemplified by the Good Friday Agreement. Despite the efforts of both governments in recent months, and especially in recent weeks, it is deeply regrettable that there is at present no power-sharing executive in place. However, we will not give up - we cannot give up. We urgently need to see the restoration of the Northern Ireland executive and assembly, to harness greater and broader input into how to make the best of Brexit.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:31

Montenegro: Serb attacks US embassy

At midnight on 21 February Serbian Dalibor Jaukovic, formerly of the Yugoslav People's Army, threw a grenade into the US embassy compound and then blew himself up. According to Facebook publications he was against Montenegro's accession to NATO. Montenegro, the youngest member of NATO, has for a long time been politically torn between her historic friend Russia and the USA. Historically, on the eve of the 2016 election, long-serving prime minister Duško Marković stepped down after suggesting that Russia had a role in an election plot. He said that there was a ‘strong connection of a foreign factor’ in a conspiracy to take over the Montenegrin parliament on election day. Those arrested by the police for planning this coup included more Russians and Serbians than Montenegrins. See

Published in Europe
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:14

Bolivia: praying for change

During an altar of public worship last year about 1,200 Bolivians interceded for spiritual change in the nation. On 21 February a local Christian wrote, ‘Across our beloved Bolivia women, men and children took to the streets today, defending our faith and democracy. A majority of the population voted NO to the re-election of Evo Morales who is attempting to become president indefinitely by bribery, propaganda, brute force and using the resources of Bolivia to do so. The church and people of Bolivia continue to say NO to his leftist regime. We say YES to Jesus! Bolivia will NOT be Venezuela, or follow the path of Cuba. Please pray that all violence, revenge, lies, deaths, injustices in every political and social sphere, covenants to the occult, and pacts with nations that misuse our resources to their benefit, but to our economic detriment, are all uncovered.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 February 2018 10:01

Brexit speeches by cabinet ministers

Foreign secretary Boris Johnson delivered the first of a series of planned speeches by cabinet ministers on Brexit. He called upon pro-Leave figures to understand the concerns of those who wanted to remain in the EU. Johnson said he wanted to ‘reach out to those who still have anxieties’, and urges Remainers to recognise the benefits of leaving EU. Many believe that his call for unity in Westminster largely fell on deaf ears as Remain supporters accused Johnson of hypocrisy, labelling him one of the most divisive figures of the Brexit campaign. Business leaders and trade unionists also reacted coolly to Johnson’s speech. Pray for the media as they digest and comment on this and the coming wave of Brexit speeches by ministers. Pray for honest and wise communicating and reporting of their views. Pray for logical comments based on facts, and for any temptation to exaggerate to be moderated by integrity.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:58

Lent plastic challenge

Pope Francis and the Church of England are encouraging us to give up plastic for Lent. 41 Conservative MPs have pledged to give up single-use plastics for Lent, and are urging others to do the same. Eight tonnes of plastic are dumped in the sea every minute, and plastics have reached every part of the world’s oceans. If we reduce our own use of plastic, we follow the fifth mark of mission, 'to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain the life of the earth'. The Church of England also quoted this fifth mark, saying that we can reflect on God’s purpose for our life and accept the challenge to give up single-use plastics, thus reducing the actions which damage God’s creation. Tory MPs signed up to the Lent challenge after watching Blue Planet II. Congregations are invited to share their Lent journey with others on

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:56

Northern Ireland: next political move?

On 14 February another round of talks between the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Féin ended without practical steps forward. Northern Ireland secretary of state Karen Bradley said she will consider ‘practical steps’ after the talks collapsed. She said that, while substantive progress has been made in recent weeks, this phase of talks had concluded. DUP leader Arlene Foster said there is no prospect of a restored, devolved government for Northern Ireland, while Sinn Féin's Michelle O'Neill said the DUP failed to close the deal after Foster pulled out of talks. Theresa May said she would continue to work with everyone to make sure there is legislation to enable an Executive to be formed, ‘We now need to consider practical steps. In the continued absence of an Executive, challenging decisions will have to be taken by the UK Government and I will update Parliament after recess.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:47

Poland: Holocaust complicity bill

Recently a bill was approved that makes it illegal to accuse Poland of complicity in crimes committed by Nazi Germany, including the Holocaust. The bill bans the use of terms like ‘Polish death camps’ in relation to Auschwitz and others located in Nazi-occupied Poland. To become law, the bill must be signed by President Duda, who has expressed his support. Historians agree that Polish individuals and groups collaborated with the Nazi occupiers, but recent Polish governments have sought to challenge that narrative. This legislation will outlaw any remark that attributes responsibility to Poland for the Nazi crimes. Benjamin Netanyahu called the bill ‘baseless’, saying, ‘One cannot change history, and the Holocaust cannot be denied.’ Death camp survivors fear Holocaust deniers are winning. The new legislation risks blurring the historical truths regarding the assistance the Germans received from the Polish population during the Holocaust. There is no doubt that the term ‘Polish death camps’ is a historical misrepresentation.

Published in Europe