Displaying items by tag: Politics

Friday, 03 January 2020 09:26

Iran: women prisoners on hunger strike

On Christmas Eve British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert started an open-ended hunger strike in protest at being sentenced to ten years on espionage charges. She wants, at the very least, to be moved from solitary confinement, where she has been since October 2018. On 30 December British-Iranian Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe said she would go on hunger strike in solidarity with Kylie. Just before Christmas, Kylie wrote to the Australian prime minister, pleading for ministers to do more to secure her release. A third dual national, Fariba Adelkhah, is also on hunger strike. The French government has summoned the Iranian ambassador over her detention. A government spokesman rejected the publicity they are receiving, saying Iran would not submit to political games or propaganda. Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe and many other imprisoned dual nationals in Tehran believe they are political hostages.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 January 2020 09:17

Hong Kong: no Happy New Year

South China’s Morning Post editor prophesied: ‘There is no Happy New Year ahead for Hong Kong, just endless protest chaos for the foreseeable future. Get used to it because nothing is changing, nobody is coming to the rescue, and no one has any panacea for the most destructive and debilitating social and political crisis since the city’s return to China. Wreck and repair, rinse and repeat: that’s been the new normal for more than six months and the lid has been blown off the Pandora’s box of Hongkongers’ pent-up problems and frustrations. Hong Kong’s revolution is sliding into terrorism with home-made bombs. There will be scattered protests on weekdays while most citizens go about their daily business, occasional mass rallies to mark some anniversary or another of the hate-China / destroy-police / despise-government campaign, and regular outbreaks of violence and anarchy over weekends and public holidays.’ Let us pray that this gloomy prophecy will not be accurate and that God will miraculously end a frightening situation.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 January 2020 09:06

Global: fighting corruption

Around the world in 2019, corruption sparked demonstrations and toppled governments in what should be a wake-up call for leaders to follow through on their commitments and make good on old promises as well as new, meaningful resolutions. Corruption is deepening the crisis of democracy in many parts of the world. Countries with higher rates of public sector corruption have weaker democratic institutions, depriving citizens of political rights such as free and fair elections and the right to protest. Many protested and, losing patience, took to the streets demanding that their governments serve public interest. We may see more protests in the coming year unless political leaders take urgent steps to eradicate corruption and make their countries a liveable place for all citizens. In over 100 countries, people can turn to Transparency International chapters for advice on long-lasting and inclusive approaches to strengthen their democracies.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:39

‘Let the healing begin’

1 Timothy 2:2 tells us to ‘pray for all who are in high positions’. Boris Johnson’s first speech after the election urged ‘everyone, on either side of an increasingly arid three and a half year argument, to find closure and let the healing begin’. We can pray that his words will be a prophetic declaration, and the division and pain will give way to healing and restoration of our nation. After accepting the Queen's invitation to form a government, he spoke of a ‘one-nation conservative government, acting for everyone in the UK’. Pray for the new legislation which will pave the way for the UK leaving Europe on 31 January. Pray for the future trade and security talks that will begin almost immediately.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:37

Quakers challenge the new government

Quakers in Britain are challenging Boris Johnson’s new government to give priority to its promise to take action on climate breakdown. They are urging him to ensure that the economic transition puts the most marginalised people first. They want the government to create a humane and fair immigration system and a culture of welcome. They will encourage the Conservative party to focus on its manifesto pledges on crime prevention and rehabilitation, rather than on longer sentencing, to transform justice; and also to promote peace and nonviolence across the UK and abroad. Quakers want to work with the new government to build a fairer, greener society, and encourage politicians from all parties to come together in the national interest. See also @PoliticalQuaker.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:30

280,000 homeless in England this Christmas

Shelter revealed that 135,000 children are homeless in Britain, one in 200 people in England are without a settled home, and 280,000 people are recorded as homeless. However, the charity pointed out that these statistics could be the tip of the iceberg, with hidden homelessness and rough sleeping difficult to document accurately. The scale of the challenge that Boris Johnson’s new government must face is daunting. Pray for government action to address the lack of social homes. A spokesman for the ministry of housing said, ‘Everyone should have somewhere safe to live, and councils have a duty to provide accommodation to those who need it, including families with children’. There are 1,450 Big Issue sellers working on the streets each week. Homelessness blights lives, leaving lasting imprints of trauma, and many are only days away from becoming homeless.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 13 December 2019 09:20

Intercessor Focus: new ministers, new season

We do not know who will be ministers in Boris Johnson’s new cabinet, but we can pray that it will be God who develops and reshapes it and its various offices. May each department reflect His virtue and righteousness. In these extraordinary days of change, ask Him to use and direct the ministers who will organise the UK’s exiting the EU, those supporting businesses, and those appointed to fine-tune the NHS, energy, education, the environment, and rural affairs. May all internal developments re-shape our economic structure and trading foundations with justice and fairness. May all they do be fit for purpose in this season of alterations and adjustments. Please pray that the staff of the Crown Prosecution Service, the Serious Fraud Office, and the Government’s Legal Department may hold firm to truth, humility and justice as they provide  advice and support to the Home Office.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 December 2019 23:46

Catholic politician sues Lib Dems

Just days after Robert Flello, a practising Roman Catholic, was selected to stand for the Lib Dems for this week's general election, he was stood down and told by party officials that his views on abortion and same sex marriage, shared on social media, were ‘not those that would be expected of a liberal’ and it was therefore ‘not appropriate’ for him to represent them. Flello said, ‘Initially the Lib Dems told me that they were deselecting me for my views, then during the following week they gave me all sorts of other reasons and suggested that I retweeted a very aggressive tweet. But I have not done those things. So I can only conclude, in fact I'm absolutely convinced, that they are discriminating against me on the grounds of my faith.’

Published in British Isles

Investigative journalists who explored Russian influence on US politics say Britain’s political system is also compromised, stating that it is time our institutions and media woke up to that fact. In 2016 the UK and US were targets of Russian efforts to swing votes to weaken the alliances that had constrained Putin’s ambitions for the EU and Nato. Many believe Conservative-leaning media in the UK and US see little mileage in exposing meddling that helped their own side. The Mueller report found that Russia engaged in a sweeping and systematic campaign to elect Trump. Britain’s official response to meddling accusations was largely denial. Consumed by bitter Brexit divisions and public spending, it took longer than it should have for parliament to conduct an investigation of Russian penetration of British politics. Their findings are suppressed until after the election. Meanwhile UK media has started to look into these issues, shedding light on the actions of Russian-backed groups.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 December 2019 23:29

Iraq: Christmas celebrations cancelled

Since the protest movement began in October, 400+ have died, twelve of them security personnel. Over 17,000 people have been injured. ‘The situation is a disaster, with weapons in every corner’, said the Chaldean archbishop of Basra. ‘As a church, we are close to young people in the streets, providing them with food and shelter.’ But violence has forced his diocese to suspend all such pastoral activities. The Chaldean church called for three days of prayer and fasting, and out of respect for the dead and in solidarity with all the injured, Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako cancelled all public and church-based celebrations of Christmas. As the Church in Iraq trades tree decorations and holiday receptions for prayers of intercession, let us pray for the current government’s corrupt structure to end and for the protesters to achieve the dissolution of parliament and widespread reforms. May hope and prosperity enter Iraq in 2020, and may Iranian ballistic missiles and US troops and defence systems leave. See

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