Germany: Euro-gathering

Written by Super User 01 Nov 2012

Last weekend 300 people from 23 nations gathered on the banks of the river Maine in Frankfurt, Germany for Euro-gathering. In amongst the exciting times of prayer, worship and community were sessions of amazing teaching from members of the 24-7 family from around the world. The title of the prayer gathering this year was Aufstehen: (German Vb) Auf+ste.hen. To stand up. To rise (arise). To get up. Ian Nicholson the European Director of 24-7 Prayer said, ‘Our confidence is not in banks, governments or the job market but in the Father who shaped Europe; what He did in the past He can do again. We are a people of faith and hope. 'May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Ro.15:13) There was a sense of ' Hope is on the rise! Stand up and fix your eyes on Him. The vision is Jesus!’

Pray: for more European countries to experience God’s power as the Holy Spirit flows through God’s people interceding. (2 Ch.7:14)


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