Europe in 2017

Written by David Fletcher 10 Feb 2017
Europe in 2017

The year 2017 could well be the hardest for Europe since WWII. The new US administration is likely to accept Crimea as a Russian territory if it gets enough in return. At least a cancellation of the sanctions against Russia has already been mentioned. There will be serious discussions in the EU if this happens, with incalculable consequences for the unity of the Union. Another danger for the EU in 2017 is the elections in Holland (March), France (May), and Germany (Sept). In all these countries the populists are strong. If the Front National succeeds in France and Marie le Pen wins the presidential election, that will be hugely difficult for the EU. If Angela Merkel loses her chancellorship, all might be lost. We can only pray and proclaim, ‘For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever!’ Pray for the kingdom values in the political world; truth against falsehood, a sense of responsibility against egotism , and consideration against extortion.

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