European Council meeting today

Written by David Fletcher 16 Sep 2016
European Council meeting today

A European intercessor writes, ‘Today the heads of state who make up the European Council will meet in Bratislava (Slovakia holds the EU presidency). This meeting is important because the Council must find a way forward for the EU after Brexit. There are two opposite conceptions for a future structure of the EU. One is ‘more Europe’, which means to continue on the way of integration and becoming a closer Union. This is the position of both the President of the European Parliament (Schulz) and the President of the Commission (Juncker). The second is ‘less Europe’ which means strengthening the independence of the national states. This is the position of Poland, Hungary and many other states. This decision includes the question: who is leading the European Union in the future, the Commission or the Council? Angela Merkel clearly speaks for the Council.’

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