Praying for God’s will in the migration crisis

Written by David Fletcher 27 May 2016
Praying for God’s will in the migration crisis

Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing until, with hindsight, we recognise God’s plan and the beginning of understanding how to respond to His will. Our duty is to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (Ja.1:27) Pray for local initiatives working hard to show a Christian welcome to all those in need. Railway carriages in Eidomeni (Greece) are being used as brothels, women are being trafficked out of camps, people-traffickers are profiting at their expense. Pray for security and police forces attempting to intercept organised criminal gangs which trap, transport and sell refugees. European parliament members are divided in opinion: keep migrants out, welcome them in, give them new residency rights, pay other countries to house them, fly them in, or fly them out? Billions of Euros are spent, and the solution is not clear. Pray for compassion and wisdom to be the bedrock of asylum strategies.

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