Kosovo: opposition has unsettled parliament since October

Written by Linda Digby 18 Dec 2015
Kosovo: opposition has unsettled parliament since October

Opposition MPs disrupted the Kosovo parliament again on Monday by setting off tear gas in chambers - the latest in a series of violent incidents against the government and politicians. Over last weekend several government-owned cars were set on fire by protesters. Such incidents began after the 25 August agreement between Pristina and Belgrade to establish Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo to champion minority Serbs’ interests. The three opposition parties in Kosovo’s parliament strongly oppose it, claiming Serbs will have too much power. The opposition parties also reject a border agreement reached with neighbouring Montenegro in Vienna in August, through which it says Kosovo is losing territory. (Kosovo’s population is predominantly ethnic Albanian. It declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Belgrade rejected the move and still considers the breakaway territory as its southern province.)

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