Norway: Proposal to put refugees in Arctic

Written by Linda Digby 17 Sep 2015
Norway: Proposal to put refugees in Arctic

Norwegian politicians are considering sending refugees to Svalbard, an Atlantic archipelago and one of the world’s most remote areas, which is currently inhabited by more polar bears than people. Local government representatives hope that Svalbard could receive and then house refugees. The Green Party has asked Svalbard’s governor to look into the legality of the plan, which could be undone by the fact that Svalbard isn’t part of the Schengen free movement area and so can’t take people as easily. Local politicians have committed to work ‘100 per cent’ for a quick realisation of the plan if it is proved legal. Many of the islanders are employed in coal mines. Espen Klungseth Rotevatn, the leader of the Green Party on the islands, said, ‘Europe is on fire, and it is now that our values and ethical standards are put to the test.’

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