Greece faces emergency

Written by Linda Digby 10 Sep 2015
Greece faces emergency

Images of a small boy washed up on a Turkish shore flashed around the globe as a tragic representation of the current Mediterranean migrant crisis in which Greece is at the epicentre, with over 230,000 migrants surviving the treacherous journey to its shores in 2015. But Greece’s emergency goes far beyond this influx of migrants. Greece is racked with impossible debts, with no easy solutions. A legislative election will be held on Sunday 20 September, after which major decisions will need to be made. Greece stands at a crucial moment in its history. However, the greatest threat to Greece is not economic, political, or social. It is spiritual. Even though the evangelisation of Europe started here, less than 0.5% of Greeks are evangelical today. The Orthodox Church, though large, is often devoid of true life and faith. Greece stands today at the edge of a dangerous precipice.

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  • Pray: for the financial meltdown to drive people to Jesus for lasting peace and security; for the Church to be purged of any heresy, syncretism or division; and for God to raise up His anointed leaders over the nation. (Ps.143:10)