A Section Fire and Civil Defence document states that forest fires each year put too much strain on emergency relief agencies, the environment and the economy while posing a threat to infrastructure and urban settlements. San Marino has found that to extinguish forest fires they have often had to resort to the external aid of personnel and equipment available to the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade of Rimini. The main risk factors are both intentional and negligent: fires caused during cleanup of agricultural, burning of stubble, straw and other debris getting out of control, carelessness and neglect in wooded areas, cigarette butts, matches or fireworks. In this regard, the Civil Protection Service, Police, Environmental and Agricultural Resources Managements have prepared a brochure to be delivered to all households with instructions how to behave in the event of a forest fire. See also https://ca-sanmarino.civicplus.com/144/Fire-Department
San Marino: Forest fire prevention campaign
Written by Linda Digby 17 Jul 2015
Additional Info
- Pray: for this brochure to help people and prevent loss of life, homes and businesses. (Pr.13:13)
- More: www.translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.sanmarinonotizie.com/&prev=search