Italy: Italian jihadist defends 'perfect' Islamic State

Written by Linda Digby 17 Jul 2015
Italy: Italian jihadist defends 'perfect' Islamic State

In a chilling interview over Skype, a 28-year-old Italian woman who joined the ranks of IS last year told Corriere della Sera that the Islamic State is a ‘perfect country’ and when the group beheads people, it is simply obeying Sharia law. Maria Giulia Sergio, who changed her name to Fatima Az Zahara after converting to Islam, left for Syria with her Albanian husband, Aldo Kobuzi, just days after marrying him last September. Kobuzi was immediately dispatched to an IS training camp while Sergio was given weapons training. The story came to light last week after her parents and sister, also Muslim converts, as well as five members of Kobuzi’s family, were arrested as part of Italy’s anti-terrorism sweep. A former student at the University of Milan, she described the Islamic State - where women have been raped and forced into sexual slavery - as the ‘perfect country’, where people respect human rights.

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