Poland: Cool spiritual temperature

Written by Linda Digby 03 Jul 2015
Poland: Cool spiritual temperature

It was the Catholic Church that kept Polish culture from crumbling under the Communist regime. Now in 2015  Saudi Arabia, one of the most hostile nations towards Christianity and boasting to have a 100 percent Muslim population, has more evangelical Christians than Poland. The Catholic Church still holds sway over Polish culture, but personal faith is nominal and morality is being chipped away from the foundations of Polish society. There is a desperate need for evangelical witnesses (90% of municipalities have no church). Pagan, Wiccan, and New Age religions are gaining followers and there are two Jehovah's Witnesses for every evangelical Christian. Poland has the potential to change the spiritual well-being of Europe, but it is in need of guidance to be redirected toward Christ's glory. God has carried Poland through the years of tragedy and poverty, and He will lead them into the light He shines for them.

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  • Pray: for Catholics to focus on the redemptive work of Christ on the cross and the personal relationship that He desires. Pray for hearts to be open to the message of salvation among the materialistic youth. (1Cor.1:17)