Montenegro: A European harvest field

Written by Linda Digby 03 Jul 2015
Montenegro: A European harvest field

The nation’s government, a parliamentary democracy, has many political parties. Its recent independence has brought a renewed sense of hope and optimism, giving this small nation a greater sense of potential. Joining the European Union and adopting the Euro will hopefully open up many economic opportunities for Montenegrins. But, in the midst of progress, the economy still faces many obstacles. Despite a difficult history of ethnic division, Montenegro desires to step into the future with a strong national identity. Deep divisions remain between the Serbian and Montenegrin Orthodox Churches, and the Christian population remains predominantly nominal. Additionally, Bosniak Muslims residing in the nation harbour bitterness towards Christians for the way they historically treated the Muslim population. Prayer is needed for sensitive and effective outreach to Muslim Bosniaks. Evangelicals claim .03% of the population. Portions of the country remain largely un-evangelised .

Additional Info

  • Pray: for those who practise cultural Christianity to focus on pleasing God rather than men. Pray also for genuine forgiveness between ethnic groups that have been at war for decades. (1Th.4:1)