Hungary: Police use tear gas in overcrowded migrant camp

Written by Linda Digby 03 Jul 2015
Hungary: Police use tear gas in overcrowded migrant camp

Police in the Hungarian town of Debrecen have used tear gas against unruly migrants in a local camp. The riot broke out as Hungary is overwhelmed by an influx of migrants that it says it cannot contain. One hundred  migrants from the camp blocked a nearby road, throwing stones at passing cars and setting trash bins on fire. Police report it is not entirely clear what started the rioting, with spokesman Denes Dobo saying there was a row between two Turkish nationals and several other migrants, which escalated into a brawl. Hungary's Prime Minister said his country is bearing the brunt of this year's migrant influx. Sixty thousand  African and Middle Eastern migrants have crossed into Hungary and the number could rise to One hundred and fifty thousand  by the end of the year. EU leaders are in a frantic search for a solution to the migrant crisis, which has so far only resulted in the scrapping of a previous idea that involved mandatory migrant quotas for all member states. Hungary has used up the capacities at its disposal and the desperate situation requires fast action in this escalated situation.

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  • Pray: that God would give Hungarian and EU officials the wisdom to make workable and safe changes to resolve this’ overcrowding problem’ across the continent. (Pr.29:11)