Croatia: 4 July gay pride parade

Written by Linda Digby 03 Jul 2015
Croatia: 4 July gay pride parade

A Gay Pride parade will be held in Zagreb Saturday. Participants will walk under the slogan Louder and Braver: Anti-fascism - Without Compromise. LGBTIQ persons will send out a message that they are not taking part in the parade only as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans-gender, inter-sexual and questioning persons, but as citizens who will not stand by and watch in silence the wheel of history going back. The organisers expect two thousand people to join them. They are using the façade of ‘gay rights’ and then highlighting their dissatisfaction and concern about the political situation in the country and are dedicating the event to the citizens of Croatia. ‘As long as there are people incessantly calling for war, we will fight for a society of peace, co-existence and solidarity. We must stop further political, economic and moral destruction of society. The response to radicalisation and hatred must be a single voice of a broad, united progressive front,’ said the organisers. Left-wing, centre-left, and green political parties are proponents of LGBT rights, while right-wing, centre-right political parties and some NGOs and the Roman Catholic Church oppose LGBT rights. See

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