Norway: M4 Church planting and the Bible

Written by Admin 2 09 Jun 2015
Norway: M4 Church planting and the Bible

The Norwegian National Church Planting Network has been in existence since the early 1990’s. Last year 800 leaders, church planters and potential church planters gathered together and signed a statement committing to the planting of  400 new churches in Norway and training 4,000 pioneers over the next 10 years.  This year they reported that around 75 churches were planted in the last 4-5 years and another 75 churches are in process of being planted. M4 has developed into an interdenominational church planting movement in Norway. During 2015, around twenty church planting teams will be involved in M4 learning. Alongside this, two years ago the Christian Post reported, ‘Bible Has Become the Best-Seller in 'Secular' Norway - Many Surprised’. They added that Church attendance is a poor measure of the Norwegian state of faith. See also

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