Germany: ‘March for Life’

Written by Admin 2 06 May 2015
Germany: ‘March for Life’

Seventy years ago the Nazi regime was falling to the invading allied armies, and Nazi SS officers attempted to prevent foreign soldiers from seeing the horrifying conditions in concentration camps. They gave orders for the emaciated Jews, Russians, Poles, Gypsies and other slave workers to leave the camps on ‘Death Marches’ towards the areas where the German army still had control. Many died from the cold and exhaustion or were simply shot for not being able to walk or refusing to obey orders. In 2015, in many German cities, a ‘March of Life’ has been or is being organised by Christian groups, in cooperation with Jewish communities and survivors of the Holocaust, to ask for forgiveness, promote reconciliation and bring new life to their cities and communities that had experienced the curse of death. 

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