Estonia: The least religious country in the world?

Written by Linda Digby 01 Jul 2015
Estonia: The least religious country in the world?

Not so long ago Estonians were asked whether religion played an important part in their life - only 20% said yes. It suggests that the Baltic country is, statistically, the least religious country in the world. At Tallinn’s large Lutheran Dome Church one Sunday 70 congregants were tourists and 15 were regular Estonian church-goers. Although the Lutheran Church is the largest in Estonia, it accounts for only 13% of the population. Fewer than one in five Estonians say any religion plays any part in their lives. In schools religion is not on the curriculum. This does not mean Estonians do not believe in anything at all. Many are nature worshippers, pagans, who define their religion as Maausk - a form of Estonian nature spirituality - in which the trees and earth are cherished objects that possess power. There are eight unreached people groups in Estonia and three of the main religions are Islam, Ethnic and Hinduism.
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