Cyprus: Turkey’s government change could affect Cyprus

Written by Linda Digby 01 Jul 2015
Cyprus: Turkey’s government change could affect Cyprus

The change of government in Turkey could have a direct impact on the recently resumed inter-communal talks to settle the Greek/Turkey Cyprus problem, said Greek Cyprus’s President Nicos Anastasiades in an interview to Turkish daily newspaper Hurriyet.  Anastasiades argued that, although both community leaders - himself and Turkish Cypriot Mustafa Akinci - are committed to the reunification of the island, developments in Turkey could have a direct effect on the progress of negotiations. He added, ‘Questions would likely revolve around isolated issues’ thus distancing himself from a popular opposition mantra - ‘the key to a solution lies in Turkey, not the Turkish Cypriot community. Confidence building measures could be around the talks of opening more Cypriot crossing points. The most important crossing points at the moment are being characterised as military zones. In this respect, there needs to be demilitarisation of certain areas, or as many areas as possible.

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