Austria: Investigates spying during Iran talks

Written by Linda Digby 01 Jul 2015
Austria: Investigates spying during Iran talks

On 11 June it was reported that Austria is now investigating possible spying during nuclear talks between Iran and world powers after Swiss authorities confirmed they were probing similar claims (The tricky drafting of an Iran nuclear deal began in April). Investigations are ongoing regarding the location of numerous rounds of the talks. Russian IT security firm Kaspersky has said that it discovered a complex computer virus, which it believes hackers could have used to obtain sensitive information during the talks. Officials said that at present there was no clue as to who was behind the alleged cyber espionage. Austria's Kronen Zeitung newspaper reported that there has been speculation in Israeli media that the cyber-attacks bore ‘the hallmark of Israeli intelligence operations’. Israel’s Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely has rejected any involvement, saying, ‘Foreign reports about Israeli participation are baseless.’

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