Green MEPs threaten to oppose von der Leyen’s bid for re-election

Written by David Fletcher 31 May 2024
Green MEPs threaten to oppose von der Leyen’s bid for re-election

Green members of the European Parliament will oppose Ursula von der Leyen's bid for a second term as president of the European Commission if she aligns with hard-right nationalists, according to Terry Reintke, German Green MEP chair. Reintke stated that her group would ‘absolutely’ not support von der Leyen if she made a deal with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which includes Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni's group. She said that an alliance with the ECR, known for opposing EU green policies, would jeopardise the EU's climate action plans, potentially stalling or halting the Green Deal; this would be disastrous for both the climate and Europe's economic competitiveness against the USA and China. This announcement adds to von der Leyen's challenges, as the centre-left has also pledged not to support her if she collaborates with hard-right parties. To secure a second term, she needs an absolute majority of the 720 MEPs in the new parliament, requiring a broad coalition beyond her centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), which is expected to win around 175 seats.

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