36 million people across the European Region may have developed long COVID over the first 3 years of the pandemic

Written by Super User 08 Mar 2024
36 million people across the European Region may have developed long COVID over the first 3 years of the pandemic

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 36 million people in the European region may have developed long COVID during the first three years of the pandemic. This condition, characterised by lingering symptoms post-COVID-19 infection, presents a significant public health challenge. The WHO's statement highlights the need for comprehensive care and support for those affected. Long COVID symptoms can vary widely, from fatigue and cognitive dysfunction to more severe physical issues, impacting daily life and work capacity. The organisation stresses that these long-term effects require serious attention and response from healthcare systems. The WHO's Regional Director for Europe, Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, emphasises the critical need to understand and address long COVID. He calls for sustained research efforts, investment in rehabilitation services, and public health strategies to manage and mitigate its impact. This situation reflects the pandemic's ongoing and evolving challenges, with long COVID affecting millions across the European region. It underscores the importance of continued vigilance, research, and healthcare system adaptation to meet the needs of those living with the long-term effects of COVID-19.

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